May 13, 2010 00:06
ORIG No Pairing, 'Brontë Sisters Power Dolls' by FineMoustaches aka Scud (video)
Is this the most awesome set of action figures ever? Yes, yes it is. LOL. Highly recommended.
tags: original, pg-13, FineMoustaches, streaming:video, fan:vid, no:pairing, crack, parody, feminism, highly:recced
TW Multiple Pairings, 'More of a Good Thing' by nancybrown
Best clone orgy evah. *nods* Nighly recced.
tags: torchwood, various:pairings, nc-17, nancybrown, fiction, mirror, god:box, crack, highly:recced
TW Jack/Ianto, 'Torchbook' by Hope
"Ianto Jones poked Jack Harkness." So many LOLs. <3
tags: torchwood, jack_ianto, pg-13, angstslashhope, ficion, meta, parody, crack
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Diigo. The rest of my
favorite links are here.