Retrocausalityextraonions | R | general for S1-S4 | none | time travel/drama
Castiel laid a hand on John's shoulder. "I have seen your future, John. I can promise you this much-sacrifice the Colt now, for Dean, and the day will come when a Winchester holds it again. Within the year, Azazel will be dead."
This is a brilliant version of how Castiel could have interfered with the Winchesters' lives before he met Dean in linear time and why he is so certain of Dean's destiny. I love that we get to see Castiel and his relationship with Dean from John's POV, which is spot on. Timey wimey stories are a pet love of mine, especially when they're done with so much love to detail.
Third Party Pictureizazov | PG | 5.06 | none | episode coda
Castiel suffers a change and Dean isn’t handling it well. Sam is curious.
Written before the episode aired
izazov manages to deliver a humorous and sweet
version of 5.06 that many of us would have liked to see. The focus is on doll!Castiel, Dean going a bit nuts over the whole mess and Sam trying to figure out just what is going on.
Tower of Cardslassroyale | R | none | (repeated) character death, violence | amnesia!fic/horror
When Dean is murdered before his eyes, Castiel will do anything to get him back... even journey through several lifetimes for the chance to save his soul.
I love how desperate Castiel is in this fic, how he interacts with the Trickster (who is his sarcastic self) and his unconditional faith in Dean. It's pretty grim and almost depressing at times but not without hope, which is something I like to have even in the darkest of fics.
The Road Refuses Strangerstrinityofone | PG-13 | none | none | apoca!fic/horror
Dean is walking across the border from Lawrence, Kansas, into Lawrence, Kansas, when a black 1967 Chevy Impala nearly runs him off the road.
The general consensus in the comments is "creepy and eerie but fantastic". And it is. I love how matter-of-factly the world Dean and Castiel find themselves in is presented. This is an interesting and really heartbreaking take on the Apocalypse.
Also please be sure to check back to Sunday's Free-For-All post located
H E R E. It has now been updated with all the recs we received. :) Thank you for your participation.
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