"break up sex is not a new concept" & "Tacky"

Sep 29, 2008 16:02

My Grey's Anatomy Recs Table

Claim: Grey's Anatomy, General Series
Prompt: 39. Break-up.
Title: "break up sex is not a new concept"
Author: green-bottles
Rating: PG-13
Length: short
Brief summary: Ellis was the original dirty mistress, and the damage is a wonder to witness. It's a small fic but the author packs a lot of heartbreak into it. Which I love.
Link: break up sex is not a new concept


Claim: Grey's Anatomy, General Series
Prompt: 03. Angst.
Title: "Tacky"
Author: lips-like-candy
Rating: PG-13
Length: medium
Brief summary: It's a look at Meredith as the "slut" and the "dirty mistress" and how she might come to see herself as those things. It's intriguing and a smart way to examine the character.

If I’m a slut, you’re a slut, Meredith says, whispering on the elevator between floors, with his fingers sliding their way up her scrubs and under her shirt. Because this isn’t going to be a double standard, she says, as the light turns on behind the number 6 and the doors begin to crawl open.

Link: Tacky

prompt: break-up, grey's anatomy: general series, prompt: angst

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