Log: Thread [Hibari + Mukuro] Closed

Dec 31, 2008 18:13

WHO: Mukuro and Hibari
WHAT: Mukuro stops by Hibari's place on his way home from his trip.
WHERE: Hibari's apartment
WHEN: 30 December, evening
RATING: PG, for the moment
WARNING(s): tba

one step forward, two steps back )

hibari kyouya, mukuro rokudo, *log: incomplete, *log: thread, *log

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Comments 30

derridamustdie January 1 2009, 04:35:06 UTC
It suddenly felt odd, being back in his apartment. It was supposed to be his home and his refuge, the one familiar place that only changed when he wanted it to change, and that in itself rarely happened. Hibari wondered if it was because of everything that had come to pass. Dino Cavallone had visited before Christmas; Christmas evening itself, Christmas day and a small part of the 26th had involved him either sitting on one end of a traditional Japanese room, staring up at the ceiling of another man's bedroom or prowling through the Old District of Namimori. The onsen trip had followed, and that in itself had been an Experience. Perhaps he really shouldn't have wondered why he no longer felt at home in his own skin ( ... )


Mmm~ Sweaty, half-naked 18. manipulater January 1 2009, 04:57:36 UTC
The trip to the apartment was a little longer than Mukuro would have liked. Whether it was because of the actual distance from the coffee shop and the translator's place or of his sudden bout of impatience, he wasn't sure. He been a little tempted to just call Hibari and ask what that decision had been all about but knew that his old friend would say a word with prying ears around, no matter how obscure sounding Mukuro could make his words.

In the end, he just had to push on the gas pedal a little more than the speed limit until reaching his destination. Not even bothering to knock or ring the door bell, he took out the key that had been given to him and opened the door, inviting himself in. It wasn't like Hibari wouldn't do the same to him.


69 approves? :3 derridamustdie January 1 2009, 05:37:47 UTC
He heard the entrance somewhere along his peripheral, but Hibari generally ignored it, sticking to his routine, following the incoming footsteps only as much as he needed to. The translator only stopped when they stopped, and he did not turn around, choosing to wipe the sweat off his face with the back of his arm instead. He already knew who it was - there wasn't anyone else in all of Japan who could move the way that one did.

"Fresh from the road, are you?"


Oh yes~ 8D ♥ manipulater January 1 2009, 05:47:05 UTC
"Of course."

Mukuro placed his laptop bag aside, the only thing worth keeping next to him from the stuff he had in his car. It would do to give anyone an opportunity after all, even if the likelihood wasn't very high. He was the only one privy to information that he held in the laptop.

He glanced at the sweaty form, not at all bothered that he caught the other man in such a state. There wasn't anything he hadn't see of Hibari before, having gotten familiar with nearly every crevice that body had. Of course, the translator was the same with himself. But that didn't mean he didn't appreciate the view. Mukuro settled in the nearest seat, making himself comfortable.

"And seeing you like this, I have a feeling that I'm even more rustier than you are."


Y! derridamustdie January 6 2009, 01:14:52 UTC
Hibari eyed Mukuro for a moment, and then poured the both of them another round. He kept his gaze down as he spoke.

"...I apologize then. Perhaps I should have told you before I did anything."


♥~ manipulater January 6 2009, 15:41:17 UTC

"No. What you do, it's your life. I peg you to be the type of person who can make your own decisions without consulting me or anyone else about it. Don't ruin the image, Skylark," Mukuro mused wryly, accepting the refill.

Just as he felt like he didn't need to "coddle" Hibari, he wondered if the other man felt the same towards him. Admittedly, albeit sometimes reluctantly, he would tell Hibari anything if the other pressed enough. But did that mean he was incapable of making decisions without the other's advice? It was something to ponder about, even though he knew that Hibari would ultimately let him decide on things for himself. The translator just liked to put in his couple yen where he could.


I WILL WAIT FOR YOUR RETURN PATIENTLY. \o/ derridamustdie January 11 2009, 11:24:48 UTC
Hibari snorted. That was probably why there would always be a strange sort of glass wall between him and Mukuro - they trusted each other, they watched each other's backs and fought/fucked together, but it was always about taking one steps forward and two steps back when it came to getting intimate, to showing each other that yes, they did care, and no, it wouldn't be cool to find the other bleeding in a ditch somewhere without any prior warning.

"I would have gone ahead either way. A word from you wouldn't have stopped me."

He had never called Mukuro on it. Perhaps that moment was as good as any.

"...I'm apologizing because it might have been better for you to be informed. You're maybe the only person I would have told. No one else deserves to know."


♥♥♥~ manipulater January 15 2009, 17:02:33 UTC
Mukuro swirled the contents again. "I'm flattered to be privileged to know." I appreciate it.

The manager would need the time to think about things and make a decision of what to do in regards to not only with his own life, but with being involved with Hibari in that lifestyle again. Outcomes for all paths would have to be thoroughly thought through and he would take the one that would give the best of benefits. Mukuro wouldn't settle for anything less.

"Will you be keeping me updated as well?"


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