Log: Thread [Hibari + Mukuro] Closed

Dec 31, 2008 18:13

WHO: Mukuro and Hibari
WHAT: Mukuro stops by Hibari's place on his way home from his trip.
WHERE: Hibari's apartment
WHEN: 30 December, evening
RATING: PG, for the moment
WARNING(s): tba

Mukuro closed his laptop after receiving a reply from Hibari before sitting back in the seat he'd been occupying for the last hour.

There wasn't much to say about his trip. The person he'd initially gone to see was dead, had been dead for a year and yet he'd spent most of the week in the place where he'd spent the most time in one place once upon a time. But while on the way, he'd had the strange urge to visit his own parents and took that short detour.

It had been a little odd, standing on the grounds that Mukuro had spent the first five years of his life and losing both parents with his right eye giving him a daily reminder of the incident. The entire time, he'd felt nothing but indifference for his biological parents, the only indication he'd been there were the footprints in the light layer of snow. He left without another glance. Right after that, he went straight to the old man's place, which he'd kept after finding out that the old man had left it to him in his will. The fact that he gave it to Mukuro probably said something, but for the life of him, the manager hadn't been able to figure any of it out. He'd been nothing but trouble from the very beginning for his foster parent, the cause for whispers and gossip material from the surrounding neighbors. By all rights, the old man should have left him out of his will...

However, uncharacteristically, Mukuro had kept the old fashioned, Japanese styled house and had it maintained on a regular basis. It was his place to use now. His to go to should he ever needed it. Everything was kept the same as the old man had kept it with the exception of a small hidden away shrine that held an additional lotus painting next to the incense. That shrine had been Mukuro's first and last contribution to the house.

But now his week long visitation was over and he needed to return to Kokuyo promptly, only hoping that nothing too drastic had happened. Stopping at a small coffee shop to check things through the network was a little impromptu as well and was relieved that the book store was doing well in his absence. Other things, though, caught his attention more.

Gathering up his stuff and leaving a tip for the waiter, Mukuro headed out with a single destination in mind: Hibari's apartment.

Oya, I wonder what suddenly brought all of this on.

hibari kyouya, mukuro rokudo, *log: incomplete, *log: thread, *log

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