LOG: [Thread] [Ryohei, Lissuria, anyone else] OPEN

Nov 04, 2008 13:20

WHO: Ryohei, Lissuria, whoever wants to come. Ryohei broadcasted his intentions of going karaoke to the world.
WHERE: Karaoke bar near the mall near the Vongola offices
WHEN: November 3, Monday, around six in the evening.
RATING: PG, probably. Anything with Lissuria is PG.
WARNING(s): Lissuria and Ryohei together.

Ring-ring-ring-ring ring-ring-ring-ring BANANAPHONE~ )

sasagawa ryohei, lissuria, *log: complete, *log: thread

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Comments 56

lethaldiva November 4 2008, 06:23:15 UTC
Lissuria was still in the middle of editing some of his staff's work when he heard his phone ring an alarm. It was almost time, 10 minutes before his fabulous karaoke date with Ryohei.

Since the bar was a short walk from his office, he threw his papers to his desk and left a quick note to his staff that he'll be out early. He took out his red-hot lipstick from his make-up kit and dabbed it on his very luscious lips. Got to look fab for this date, he thought. If he's going to win Ryohei's heart, now's the perfect time to snag him by his shorts.

Lissuria walked out of his office and dashed to the elevator, hoping he's not late for the affair.


extremeonwheels November 4 2008, 06:33:40 UTC
It seemed that his karaoke-nakama still weren't at the bar. He tried to make a reservation, but the place baffled him, and he was really no good with stuff like that. He could contribute dinosaur decors to parties, that was about it. Giving up, Ryohei went back to his truck that he'd parked in front of the karaoke and leaned against the side, pulling up the sleeve of his sweatshirt to examine the bruise on his arm.


lethaldiva November 4 2008, 07:00:01 UTC
Lissuria was tip-toeing down the pavement when he saw his dahling Ryohei leaning on his truck. He approached with much grace, looking at the same muscled arm that Ryohei was looking at with pursed lips.

"Would you like to put ice on that, Ryohei-hani?"


extremeonwheels November 4 2008, 07:08:14 UTC
Ryohei blinked. He hadn't seen Lissuria coming! "Nah, it doesn't hurt much!" he said, although it did sting quite a bit. He rolled the sleeve back down to not make Lissuria uncomfortable and scratched the back of his neck.

"How was work?" he asked as he passed over the small box of cake over. "No one is here yet. Did you invite people over?"


lethaldiva November 6 2008, 06:47:27 UTC
Lissuria flipped the song book, wondering what they should sing for their first song. We are the Champions was a fitting song, but it was too melancholic. It wasn't long before Lissuria found a song that fits Ryohei's victory. He quickly grabbed the remote, punching the numbers in haste, handing one mic to Ryohei.

"This is your song, dahling!!" Lissuria exclaimed, waiting for the screen to display the video of Ryohei's battle song


extremeonwheels November 6 2008, 07:20:37 UTC
Ryohei beamed as the familiar tune started on the screen, and grabbed the mic. "This song!" He loved singing this song! It was loud and very expressive.

He could read English fairly well, though his punctuation could be a little bad. It showed in this song. "RISING UPPU!" he sang as it started, "Back on the streeet!"


Go dahling! lethaldiva November 6 2008, 07:55:23 UTC
Lissuria watched from the side, dancing to the tune and then belting it all out (in a ladylike manner) with Ryohei in the chorus. AH~ Eye of the tiger was one of Lissuria's favorite songs. It reminded him of that muscly Stallone in his youth. Fabulous.

It wasn't before the bridge when a very vivacious waitress entered the room in a ghastly black cheap mini-skirt and a slightly unbuttoned white ladies' polo. She came with a menu, bending low to the table, almost beckoning any one inside to look down her cleavage. The lady could not keep his eyes away from this treacherous woman.

"Excuse me sir," she said, "May I take your order for tonight?"


Re: Go dahling! extremeonwheels November 6 2008, 08:05:10 UTC
Ryohei blinked and finished a line before turning to the woman again, staring momentarily but quickly looking up from the rather large, gaping cleavage of her chest (unnatural!) to her face. HE WAS AN HONORABLE MAN! "Oh! More fries?" he said without looking at the menu, and peered at his drink, which was still half full. "I'lljustcallagainlater," he added as the lyrics flashed in front of the screen again.


lethaldiva November 10 2008, 15:23:50 UTC
"OF COURSE BOXING. EVERYTHING RELATES TO BOXING." The lady could have sworn his voice rise to an alarming boom, almost to his shame. It was not like a lady to raise a voice like that.

"Did you even think of world outside of boxing? That it's possible that there are better sports out there like Muay Thai or Aikido! Really, Sasagawa. I know you're a good boxer, but I'd like to believe that brain of yours has something more than boxing. Than you're senstive to emotions and probably recognize what other people are feeling. Because really, this boxing head of yours, is giving me signs of aging!" Lissuria was honestly sick and tired of Ryohei and his Boxing. His whole world is boxing. THAT DAMN FRIGGING BOXING!!


extremeonwheels November 10 2008, 15:29:21 UTC
"W-WHAT?" Ryohei tried to interrupt, but mostly failed. Lissuria was speaking so fast and raging on through a lot of things that Ryohei was having difficulty keeping up. It did remind him that Lissuria was physically a man and capable of having that loud, manly voice, and THAT unfortunately distracted him too, and---

"What's wrong with boxing?" he demanded indignantly, color rising to his cheeks as he defensively clutched at the microphone. He very vaguely wished that Lissuria would talk more clearly because he was NOT getting any of this at all, and what, what happened? "It's what I do and what I love doing and you know this and how dare you compare it to those sports, that's not fair! And you were the one who mentioned it first, anyway!"


lethaldiva November 10 2008, 15:51:40 UTC
Ah fuck it, the lady thought. It was pointless to argue with someone who has nothing in his head but sandbags and uppercuts. He grabbed his bag from the table and walked his way out of the room -- only to pause right before the door.

"Let's make things clear Ryohei," the lady spoke tersely before gathering enough courage to say what's next.

"I love you. I love you not as a fellow athlete but as a person who believes that I can share a lifetime with you. Like a lover, a girlfriend, or maybe a wife. Your kindness has given me hope that you might feel the same way, but tonight's just a proof that I'm really, hoping on nothing." Lissuria stepped out of the door without waiting on Ryohei.


extremeonwheels November 10 2008, 15:59:42 UTC
He stared at the shut door blankly, brain somewhat numb. It was only when he heard the next song starting on the television that Ryohei went into action, throwing the microphone aside and flinging the door open. What was that? Was that a love confession? Lissuria had been very clear and no amount of denial could tell Ryohei that it meant otherwise, but hearing it didn't mean that he completely understood it. If anything, it puzzled him even more. He had no idea!

It wasn't like he had an answer or a response to that already, but he knew that it was important to not let Lissuria run away or something because this was talking time and Ryohei had always run by instinct.

Instinct dictated that he run, so he did. "Li!" he called frantically, looking left and then right and making his way to the entrance of the karaoke bar.


Because I need to know how he arrives upon his decisions, okey! extremeonwheels November 11 2008, 01:07:22 UTC
It was barely seven - Ryohei didn’t know what to do with the rest of his evening, so he decided to head back to the gym. The other boxers would still be there because it was still early, and maybe… maybe Ryohei could get a spar in. He didn’t really know ( ... )


Boxer shenanigans~ extremeonwheels November 11 2008, 01:26:34 UTC
“You mean you weren’t together?” Ken burst out, standing on his seat ( ... )


So talkative. orz extremeonwheels November 11 2008, 01:34:48 UTC
“It helps ( ... )


asdfghjkl; Not as planned. extremeonwheels November 11 2008, 01:40:40 UTC
“Look, how about we do this.” Tanda was always the sensible one. Even if he was mean and withheld information that Ryohei could have used months ago. “Let’s try to figure out what you feel, all right? I’ll say something and you answer yes or no ( ... )


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