Fic: Die Trying

Jun 25, 2011 09:51

Title: Die Trying
Characters/Pairings: Eric Thompson, Candice Wilmer, Noah Bennet
Rating: PG
Warnings: None!
Spoiler alert: If you saw season one, you're good.
Summary: Thompson considers his future while trying to find Claire.
Word Count: 376

For someone who was so adept at creating illusions, it was pathetic how easily Candice Wilmer fell for them. Give her something resembling admiration, pretend to buy that ridiculous tough-girl act, and she was just a Company fool like all the others. Like Noah, sitting with his friends downstairs, trying to protect Claire.

Thompson leaned back in his leather chair, the one he’d waited fifteen years to buy. It had, he thought, sent the message that he was powerful but modest, and he had fully expected to be invited to join the Founders after Deveaux kicked it. Apparently, Thompson had to work harder to get the Company’s attention.

He watched the monitor on his desk, watching Noah sit on his cot. Dull. Noah’s threat had evidently been as empty as Thompson had thought. Thompson couldn’t help but feel disappointed; he’d expected better from someone he’d trained.

“So what next?” Candice leaned over his shoulder, looking as bored as he felt but still engaged enough in what was going on to turn her body at its best angle. He glanced at her breasts and hid his amusement. Her body was likely no more real than the rest of her.

“Now I send you to find everyone Noah knows and might have trusted. Do what you have to, but find Claire Bennet.”

“What I have to?” she echoed.

Thompson shrugged and stood to grab his jacket. “Until you get answers. Or if they don’t have answers to give, then sure. Whatever you want. Drive them crazy if that’s what gets you going.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not some psychopath.”

Thompson smiled and patted her cheek. “I know. That’s why I prefer to work with you.” He grabbed his briefcase and turned to leave, stopping as she spoke again.

“What if I have to, though? Is it going to get written up?”

Thompson smiled again. “Call it collateral damage.”

Thompson was going to find that mutant girl, show the Company their poster boy couldn’t be trusted, and finally get a position of real power around here. He’d be one of the heads of this Company in a year or die trying. And God help anyone who got in his way.


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