Whoo I got more feedback then I expected on my last icon coloring tutorial so heres another!
Going from this
1) Take your base and apply Auto Contrast (Alt>Shift>Control>L) and Auto Levels (Shift>Control>L). Your base needs a slight yellow/green tint for this one too work. If the Auto Contrast/Levels didn't do the trick add a a curves layer above your base. Raise the greens and lower the reds slightly. It all depends on your base, for this base I didn't need to do that.
2) Copy you're base and set it to screen. For this icon I lowered the opacity to 50%, but you can raise or lower the opacity to your liking
3) Add a Curves Adjustment Layer,and use the below setings, and set it to Soft Light.
80, 125
130, 180
125, 130
115, 150 Result:
4) Add a Color Balance Adjustment Layer, check Preserve Luminosity, and use the below settings.
Midtones: +10, -5,-25
Shadows: -30, +5, -10
Highlights: -15, 0, -10
5) Add a Selective Color Adjustment Layer, makes sure the method is 'Relative' (not absolute), and use the below settings.
Reds: -100, 0, +100, 0
Yellow: +45, 0, -30, 0
Neutrals: +50, +15, -45, 0
6) Copy the Selective Adjustment Layer once.
7) Add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer and adjust the saturation, I used +10, but if your base is too red then lower the saturation.
All Done!
other examples using this tutorial: