Icon Tutorial #3

Jan 26, 2008 09:13

I told you I'd be posting a zillion icon coloring tutorials!

Going from this

1) Copy you're base twice. Set the first copy to screen. For this icon I lowered the opacity of the screen layer to 10%, but you can raise or lower it to your liking, I usually set it to 65%. Set the second copy to Softlight, 30% opacity.


2) Create a new Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer. Raise the Master Saturation slightly and lower the Red/Yellow Saturation. I used these settings.

Master: +5
Red: -10
Yellow: -15


3) Add a Color Balance Adjustment Layer, check Preserve Luminosity, and use the below setings.

Midtones: -10, -10, -10
Shadows: -10, +10, -70
Highlights: -10, +5, -25


4) Add a Selective Color Adjustment Layer, make sure the method is 'Relative' (not absolute), and use the below setings.

Reds: -100, 0, +100, 0
Yellow: 0, 0, -25, 0
Neutrals: +20, 0, -25, 0


5) Copy the Selective Adjustment Layer twice.

All Done!

other examples using this tutorial:






resources: tutorial

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