Rebecca loves sleeping with her window open.

Mar 11, 2010 23:07

Sara says that one day she's going to call my store and ask for a shredder that can shred human remains. She never has, but on Tuesday, we got a customer that was almost as good. A normal-looking middle-aged man asked about voice recorders, and when Tim showed him what we carry, he asked if any of them could be hidden inside a bag to secretly record a conversation. When Tim said that would probably muffle the sound, he asked if we had one small enough to him to tape to his chest under his shirt. Tim got freaked-out and said that was probably illegal. I almost collapsed from laughing so hard.

I was off yesterday and had three very simple goals: go grocery shopping, do my laundry, and visit Grandma. But I accomplished only the first one. So when I got off work today, I made three more goals: go bike riding, do my laundry, and visit Grandma. But I accomplished only the second one. (The weather was so nice, and I took Sable on a long walk -- about a half-hour -- and fell asleep very suddenly after we got home.) I'll have to visit Grandma tomorrow, which means it will have taken me three days to accomplish the three very simple goals that I set on Wednesday. I know it's the fault of my poor time-management skills and messed-up sleeping schedule USA for constantly showing NCIS reruns that I can't tear myself away from! I recently found out that Josh, one of my co-workers, has the same debilitating condition of inability to do anything when NCIS is on. A new episode came on last Tuesday at seven, and when I told him that I didn't get off till seven, he offered to call me and hold his phone to the TV so I could hear what I was missing.

The newest song on my iPod (or at least the newest one that I'll admit to*) is a Spanish-language song called "De Que Vas." This is very unusual for me, because I've never been interested in non-French foreign anything. I found translated lyrics, so I have a rough idea of what's being sung, but I don't really care about the lyrics, just the hella catchy melody.

* Just kidding. I'm not ashamed of my taste in music. Other recent additions to my iPod include I'm Still Standing, Elton John; I Would Die for You, Prince; Born in the USA, Bruce Springsteen; Fearless, Taylor Swift; and Children of the Revolution, U2.

ncis-obsessed, ipod songs, work: takin' care of business

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