Everyone involved had a great time this weekend. Saturday afternoon, I went to the movies and saw Alice in Wonderland with Adam and a bunch of cousins. So it wasn't as good as I'd hoped -- I've seen better from Depp/Burton/Bonham-Carter -- we still had a fun time, and I enjoyed the food almost as much as the movie. Buttery popcorn and a pickle so loudly crunchy that I almost couldn't hear the movie over my chewing. Delicious.
On Sunday, I watched most of a fabulous NCIS marathon (That show is like goat cheese! I never get tired of it!) and of course, the Oscars. Mom had invited Sara and me to her house to watch them, but surprise, that didn't work out. So we bought some pizzas, invited Athena over, sat on the couch, and made mean/sarcastic comments to each other. Sara: "Gabby Sidibe -- I mean, did they have to build a special seat for her? Or take the armrests off her seat? Or what?" By some accident, I saw a good number of big films this year (Coraline, Crazy Heart, District 9, Inglourious Basterds, The Lovely Bones, Star Trek, Up), so I enjoyed the ceremony, even though #1) I was annoyed that Sandra Bullock won instead of Meryl Streep, #2) it wasn't a big year for young actresses (Miley Cyrus is 17 now, my cut-off age, so it's her last year in
Young Actresses at the Oscars) and #3) I almost had a damn panic attack when I saw a clip of Marathon Man in the horror films montage! Oh, the horror. I can't believe the Academy would show a clip of that movie -- especially that clip -- without some sort of warning. Like, "Warning: If you're asthmatic and have a severe phobia of the dentist, watching the following clip could very well cause you to hyperventilate and die!" Won't someone sue the Academy for that?
And today? We're trudging through a gray, rainy Monday. I stayed up too late for the Oscars, so now I'm exhausted, and Sable and I plan to spend our evening lying around watching more NCIS.