Another day in the park, I think it was the 4th of July...

Jul 05, 2011 12:40

Rebecca had a good 4th of July this year, even though Little Caesar's was closed for the holiday. I was pissed to no end when I saw that. Most businesses in our strip mall were open, but not them. Where do they get off? I had to drive down to the gas station for some pizza during my lunch break.

Josh and I both worked most of the day, which I really didn't mind (we were pretty steady, and it didn't feel like a holiday). After he got off, we drove to the park to go swinging, and even though swinging tends to make me nauseous lately, it didn't this time. We had the park all to ourselves, and we kept flinging our shoes off our feet to see whose shoe went the farthest (Josh won). When it got darker, we drove down to the lake to watch the fireworks. Josh got hold of my camera while we were waiting for the show to start, and he kinda went crazy taking pictures. I had made a playlist of good 4th of July songs on my iPod - Born in the USA, Firework, Party in the USA, Saturday in the Park - and made him listen to it.

Me eating Lay's potato chips in Josh's car. I brought a bag and munched on them all evening. I have an incurable addiction to junk food.

Josh found it necessary to make obscene faces for the camera. He cracks me up. Notice all Maggie's rubber bands on my wrist.

The fireworks show was spectacular, even though it was short and traffic was impossible afterwards. Also, year after year, they always close with "Stars and Stripes Forever," which irks me. I hate that song! There are so many better songs about America out there. Between waking up early and staying out late, I was exhausted when I finally got home. I could barely even summon the energy to walk Sable, and I came as close as I've ever been to pulling a Sara by falling asleep in the bathtub.

Inventory at work this weekend. Blegh!

4th of july, pictures, lakeside stuff, fun times

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