
Dec 05, 2006 11:05



Brother and I are BROTHERS.

We love each other. Like BROTHERS.

BROTHERS!!! We don't do that kind of thing and we never will! Because it's WRONG. And disgusting and wrong and UGH WHO SAID THAT?! THAT'S SO VERY VERY WRONG. ;_;

The fangirls were enough, now people here?!

And I'm not gay. At least I don't think so. I'm kind of ( Read more... )

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slobberymongrel December 5 2006, 16:15:22 UTC
You know what they say about Embracing Like Brothers, though.

[[ooc: I just couldnt resist. ]]


chocolatehelps December 5 2006, 20:56:32 UTC
Hmm, who could say? After all, it doesn't run in my family!


slobberymongrel December 5 2006, 21:07:04 UTC
AHAHHA, TOUCHE. Still, that is not the proper response. You're supposed to sigh and say "Oh, Sirius, I would continue to love you even if you were my own grandmother" and Id say "Oh, Remus, were such the case, Id bake you cookies and pinch your lovely little cheeks" and then Id laugh for half an hour because I didnt specify which cheeks exactly.


chocolatehelps December 5 2006, 21:11:13 UTC
"oh, Sirius, I would continue to love you even if you were my own grandmother"--even though that's incest AND you'd be an old bird. Happy now?

[[ooc: jsaghdf *typing moon post* *just typed about landlady pinching cheeks* WEIRDO MIND READER.]]


slobberymongrel December 5 2006, 21:15:17 UTC
Hmm. I was happy, but you bringing your Thrice Damned Logic into it has perturbed me. You're more the Old Bird type than I am, really. You'd be a BABOOSHKA. Which sounds like it should be a baboon-type creature but isnt. How do you feel about that, Mssr Lupin? Or should I say, BABOOSHKA Lupin?

[[ooc: I was just about to try and brave AIM to bother you about that. AHAHA HOORAY CREEPY LANDLADY. And when have we not been mutual weirdo mind readers? ]]


chocolatehelps December 5 2006, 21:21:37 UTC
I think I feel very disturbed about that, honestly. And that I should start wearing purple or something.

[[ooc: you should still get on aim! =P And yes. am working on it. Also, that song really did come on as I was typing this comment.]]


slobberymongrel December 5 2006, 21:39:33 UTC
AHAHA. Fantastic. I would still love you even if you were an old, disturbed Babooshkalupin wearing purple. You could bake me cookies and tell me all about when you were Little Girl In Old Country. See? Thats a proper response to these questions. You're really terrible at this, I cant believe Im getting handfasted to you.

By the by, I may or may not be making upo a quidditch roster. Would you please, hypothetically speaking, be Hypothetical Team Black's goddamned hypothetical keeper? I think Hypothetical Prongs is getting Hypothetical Fucking Wood.


chocolatehelps December 5 2006, 21:44:55 UTC
terribly sorry I haven't quite got your imagination about all this. Though I'm quite certain that I'd love you regardless of your form, appearance or relation, provided you remained you.

Hypothetically, I don't think I'd have overly much of a choice as I believe that a hypothetical Padfoot would not leave me alone until I gave him a hypothetical "Yes."

So, hypothetically, hell, why not?


slobberymongrel December 5 2006, 21:51:50 UTC
Any form? Even if I were a giant squid? Cross species-beastiality-loving? Merlin, I knew you were demented. Sick, Moony, Sick.




chocolatehelps December 5 2006, 21:56:34 UTC
I'd say really that you're the sick one for THINKING of being in those forms. I just said I'd still love you. Not that I was into cross-species-bestiality.

I have a feeling that this really isn't very hypothetical at all, now is it?


slobberymongrel December 5 2006, 22:00:54 UTC
But you would be for me, is the point, here. Id be flattered if I werent so much happier to crow about what a deranged, sick bastard you are. Id be sure to leave all sorts of really huge suction-cup marks all over you. Turnabout's fair play, etc etc. Where do squids keep their bits, anyway??

No, it was completely hypothetical. I was testing the [squid infested] waters. NOT hypothetically speaking, will you be Team Black's keeper, HAR HAR??


chocolatehelps December 5 2006, 22:20:47 UTC
[[ooc:I DID post, btw...]]

You have obviously been reading too much of that fanfiction business. I have not and do not plan to contemplate where a squid keeps its bits.

And what would you do if I said no?


slobberymongrel December 5 2006, 22:29:53 UTC
I have not. You're going to make me look it up myself?? You're terrible. Awful. Worst Cuppycake Werewolf Soulmate Ive ever had. You're the one with the squid fetish, anyway.

Weigh my options about how I should go about getting you to say yes, of course. A Moony is a very complicated thing, you know. Some situations require nothing more than a short pout, some require promises to Clean or ridiculous things that like, some require the proferrment of sexual favours, etc. I havent quite sussed out which Situation this is just yet, but its only a matter of time Im sure.


chocolatehelps December 5 2006, 22:38:29 UTC
Oh come now, research is a rather enjoyable pastime. I'm giving you a wonderful opportunity here.

Then in my own self-interest, of course. I will say "No" and see what I can obtain out of it.


slobberymongrel December 5 2006, 23:31:24 UTC
I cant believe you just said that. Typed that. Whatever. I am offended. I am handfasting myself off to you so I never have to Do Research again, obviously. Those 3 AM "MOONY, WHAT THE HELL IS THE PLURAL OF FEMALE AVIATRIX?" are going to be completely your problem soon, no more punch to the ribs and rolling over. You're the worst fake-sleeper ever, you know.

Playing with fire, that. What if I just end up pitching a fit, eh??


chocolatehelps December 5 2006, 23:34:48 UTC
Well, mostly I was hoping it was discourage the squid idea. Did it work?

Hm, if that's the case then I'll simply have to jump on you and snog you until you hush up. Still a benefit.


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