Back in Berkeley and blogging about aliens!

Jan 14, 2011 18:16

Well, I'm back for my final semester at Berkeley (and still freaking out a little about that fact). Within a little more than three months, I'll have written my 40-60 pg. honors thesis, completed my last classes as an undergraduate, and possibly put an end to my career as a student at Berkeley (there's a small chance I could come back for grad ( Read more... )

science fiction, honors thesis, torchwood, julie e. czerneda, berkeley, jane austen

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Comments 12

cosmic_llin January 15 2011, 12:03:52 UTC
Ahaha, I can't believe you've managed to go out, find the book, bring it back and finish it while I've been asleep... isn't it awesome?


readingredhead January 15 2011, 18:06:05 UTC
Hehe, it is SO awesome! Hence the reading it in basically one sitting. I'm just happy the library had it and I read your post in time to get there before it closed. :)


cosmic_llin January 15 2011, 20:04:55 UTC
I know, I think I would have done the same if work hadn't gotten in the way!

Also, there's a second one - it's out here end of the month but I think it's already available over there!


readingredhead January 15 2011, 23:35:09 UTC
Regarding the second book, see my response to Cara below! :)


carawj January 15 2011, 13:33:01 UTC
There will be more of it! The second volume is coming out at the end of the month! *so excited*! :D

Your Bay Area Bucket list sounds awesome, and makes me want to go there and do all that stuff...


readingredhead January 15 2011, 18:07:36 UTC
Gah, I saw that! Local library has ordered a copy and I am the first hold on it when it becomes available. :)

Also, you should obviously come here and do cool stuff! And frankly I feel like my list is less awesome, because I kind of feel like there must be more cool things to do in and around Berkeley that I haven't even heard of yet! But now I'm on the look out of them.


bluephoenix8807 January 15 2011, 18:35:17 UTC
Hey, about your bucket list - I have a car now, so if you'd rather not figure out bus schedules I could just drive down to Berkeley, pick you up (maybe after hanging out there for a little while?) and take you to visit the city of bovines, bicycles, and BAND-UH myself!


readingredhead January 15 2011, 19:28:34 UTC
Um, yes please? :D That's seriously awesome because before I would've had to find ways to potentially get back before my Sunday night tutoring shift WITHOUT using the bus since it only runs weekdays... I'm thinking we need to figure out a weekend! Class starts for me on Tues so I'll get syllabi, etc. and know when major assignments are due so I can plan around them -- I'll let you know what works for me?


bluephoenix8807 January 16 2011, 10:10:33 UTC
Sounds good - just keep me updated!


umdnikoell January 17 2011, 17:54:47 UTC
My brother goes to school with you.

I am happy for all of your reading. :)


rondaview January 18 2011, 17:32:03 UTC
there's a small chance I could come back for grad school, but that's rather doubtful

whut whyyyyyyyyyyyy D:


readingredhead January 18 2011, 18:53:36 UTC
I've had a few conversations with various profs here, and all of them have said in a rather kindly way that the quickest way for me to get back to Berkeley as a professor -- if I get my PhD and that is still what I want to do -- is to go somewhere other than Berkeley for grad school. If I did my PhD here, I'd have to go teach somewhere else for potentially a long time before being able to make my way back. And I'm going to sound majorly housewifely for like twelve seconds, but I don't want to be moving house still when I'm forty, and by that time in my life, I'd like to have the kinds of complications (of the serious relationship variety) that make moving house difficult.

And as much as I love it here...I'm beginning to think there might be other parts of the world worth exploring. Maybe not living in for the rest of my life -- Berkeley and (on some days) London are still the only places I can see myself doing that -- but for the time it takes to do my PhD...? That, I think I could do. In fact I think I could enjoy it. I'm (finally ( ... )


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