Back in Berkeley and blogging about aliens!

Jan 14, 2011 18:16

Well, I'm back for my final semester at Berkeley (and still freaking out a little about that fact). Within a little more than three months, I'll have written my 40-60 pg. honors thesis, completed my last classes as an undergraduate, and possibly put an end to my career as a student at Berkeley (there's a small chance I could come back for grad ( Read more... )

science fiction, honors thesis, torchwood, julie e. czerneda, berkeley, jane austen

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readingredhead January 18 2011, 18:53:36 UTC
I've had a few conversations with various profs here, and all of them have said in a rather kindly way that the quickest way for me to get back to Berkeley as a professor -- if I get my PhD and that is still what I want to do -- is to go somewhere other than Berkeley for grad school. If I did my PhD here, I'd have to go teach somewhere else for potentially a long time before being able to make my way back. And I'm going to sound majorly housewifely for like twelve seconds, but I don't want to be moving house still when I'm forty, and by that time in my life, I'd like to have the kinds of complications (of the serious relationship variety) that make moving house difficult.

And as much as I love it here...I'm beginning to think there might be other parts of the world worth exploring. Maybe not living in for the rest of my life -- Berkeley and (on some days) London are still the only places I can see myself doing that -- but for the time it takes to do my PhD...? That, I think I could do. In fact I think I could enjoy it. I'm (finally!) going to the East Coast over spring break and visiting NYU, Columbia, Princeton, and Harvard...between those four I think there's a good chance I'll find one that I like, as a place as well as a university.

But I guess the bottom line is, this could be (one of) my last chance(s) to really live somewhere that is NOT the place I'll be living for the rest of my life. Might as well spend it somewhere different!


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