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Comments 6

trexmaster June 13 2008, 16:14:44 UTC
I too don't understand the sex appeal of vampires. They are DEAD. They are clammy, pale, rotting corpses. The only thing differentiating them from zombies is sentience.


pippins_smile June 13 2008, 17:20:58 UTC
It means that living with a female werewolf would be very difficult on any guy.


readingredhead June 13 2008, 19:43:00 UTC
Haha, now I want to write a story about a bunch of werewolves... I actually wrote a Lupin/Tonks fanfic at one point in which Tonks is PMSing and Lupin is getting over the full moon. Now I want to go look back at that!


pippins_smile June 13 2008, 22:46:57 UTC
Hahaha what a great idea! I like that one... I can just imagine what a hectic few days that'd be.


wax_wane June 13 2008, 20:50:24 UTC
I remember being one of those embarrassingly lame vampire fangirls when I was in middle school. Don't judge! It was from reading Anne Rice religiously and basically falling in love with Lestat because he was oh-so-bad and bad boys were attractive to my lame middle school self.

Also, WHAT IS THIS TWILIGHT THING!?? You're referring to the YA books right!???? 'Cuz I swear, sooo many of my students write about this book for their reading journals and it gets reallyyyy repetitive. I was thinking of picking it up just so I could get "closer" to my students, but since you maligned it, I'm not so sure if I should. I'm the kind of person who wants to kill something fluffy when I read bad writing!


itsumi_actius June 13 2008, 22:21:16 UTC
I think I have a basic understanding of the whole appeal of vampires. I could be wrong, but if I understand it correctly:
1. Drinking blood is a metaphorical equivalent for sex. The whole blood lust thing essentially = lust and makes lust somehow acceptable by proxy.
2. Vampires are "bad boys". We all know girls love "bad boys".
3. Vampires are predators; they chase/pursue. Lots of girls like being pursued.
4. The swanky Victorian era clothing?
5. There is no five.
6. Vampires tend to be angsty wangsty, and that appeals to a lot of girls' nurturing instincts.
7. They're always written as hot guys.

But Remus Lupin for the win, yo.


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