Feedback? Please?

Sep 16, 2007 11:49

So I have to write another exercise for Creative Writing, to be posted by today.  I don't like this one as much as I like last week's.  I think the problem is that these ideas always come to me as part of whatever story I'm currently obsessing over.  At the moment, that's my planned NaNo-novel, the beauty and the beast retelling.  So Noelle makes ( Read more... )

freewriting, beauty and the beast, writing

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Comments 6

incaseineedyou September 16 2007, 20:50:21 UTC
I actually don't know why you're unhappy with it, I really really like it. At first, after reading the prompt and only the first sentence, I was planning on pointing out that everything she had with her was predictable- not in a bad way, but nothing that made me stop and think "What's she doing with that kumquat?" But after reading I realized I'd skipped over the book, which I'd passed off as an ordinary item that wouldn't tell me anything unique about her, because I assumed it was only sentimental because it would have been given to her by her father, or because her story would mirror its story, or something. But the fact that it has value simply because it's a book, and not because it's a specific book, made a big difference. Also the specific images (I love the smell of leather, and the line "The smell of ink was everywhere-her clothes, her hair, even her skin.) are really good. And the idea of her clinging to knowledge despite society's pressure not to a) makes the feminist in me smile b) makes the writer/reader in me smile, and c ( ... )


readingredhead September 16 2007, 20:57:31 UTC
I'm so glad you like it! I guess it's not that I don't like it so much as I don't think it's something new and revolutionary. But I guess it doesn't have to be.

I'm really happy you liked the images, because we're supposed to use these exercises as a chance to practice "showing, not telling" and the best way to show is through imagery.

I was definitely going for the same feel you get in the Beauty and the Beast movie. I've never seen another movie version of it either -- wait, that's a lie, I just watched this weird anime-style one on YouTube that was awkward because Beauty looked like she was maybe six years old. But the Disney one takes the cake for sure.

When I write up my Freudian analysis of myself, one of the things it'll be sure to talk about is how I need to feel approval because I'm constantly insecure and how this all stems back to when I was jealous that I didn't have a penis.

Basically, thank you. You've said basically what I needed to hear.


incaseineedyou September 16 2007, 21:32:07 UTC
It doesn't have to be new and revolutionary to be good. And also the best developments of characters aren't always radical or revolutionary. The subtlety can be good, both in the facets of the characters themselves and in the delivery (or, I guess, expression- you're not acting ( ... )


readingredhead September 17 2007, 04:38:43 UTC
I read a Beauty and the Beast retelling in a collection called "Kissing the Witch" that Rebecca (the roommate) has. All of the stories in it are vaguely lesbian, if you want to read them that way (which is the intent). For instance, the beast turns out to be a woman, though Beauty initially assumes it's a man. It was certainly different!

I'll definitely have to read the one you keep talking about. Francesca Lia Block, right? I might have to look for a copy around here...

Your analysis already makes me laugh. We really do need a set -- if we could pull that off we could make millions on ebay! I'd only be worried about who would buy us... *awkward*

For the record, I know I love us. :)


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