In May I read 36 books, only 13 of them new. That's a new high for re-read percentage. I have a lot of new books backed up, so June should be more normal
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Down a little this month because I was sick and then had company. I read 23 books in April, 9 new, the rest repeats. I think that's the first time I've had more than half re-reads
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Tamora Pierce, In the Hand of the Goddess, again. The series re-read is proceeding on schedule.
Barbara Robinson, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, for the zillionth time. This is a must-read-at-Christmas book for me. Plus in between when I feel like laughing hysterically. It's really short and loads of fun; if you've never read it, GO READ IT!
Tamora Pierce, Alanna: The First Adventure, again. Been quite a while. I'll probably wind up re-reading the whole series before I'm through, but not just yet.
Tamora Pierce, Terrier. Good. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be the start of a series or not. It's complete as it is, but there's certainly room for more stories.