Title: Girls vs. Boys (8/?)
Pairings: Yewook, Kyumin, Eunhae, Kangteuk, Hanchul, Sibum
Word Count: 2112
Summary: The boys used to pick on the girls when they were little kids. Then the girls moved away, overseas for a few years. When they came back, things had changed…in more ways than one.
Chapter 8 )
Comments 59
Just talk to her already >:(
There won't be any KyuMin love if he stays quiet.
hehehe, now Kangin is the one getting jealous.
I am seriously in love with the jealous boys^^
What's inside the box Hannie?? ;)
i'm sorry about kyu, he's just rly rly rly shy around minnie
heeheehee...cannot reveal what's in the box yet
love ♥
Is it pictures of their memories when they were little?
Or possibly stalker pics of Heechul?
Or possibly pics of a dreary part? (please, I hope it's not this...)
I love how you told the story from two perspectives; the girls' and the guys'. We get to know what the girls discuss in their apartment and how the guys are discussing the same thing from their POV in their apartment....
And ROFLMAO at Kyu and his shirt-sticking-out-of-fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooh...I wanna dance with Geng...*runs away quickly b4 Heechul can gauge my eyes out*
And jealous Kangin...man, I wouldn't wanna mess with him....
All of u...FIGHTING!!!!!!
thanks :D
love ♥
this fic makes me happy...
oh kyu is such a lost cause.
LMAO why do i feel like wons gonna get rejected soon?
EUNHAE<3 ((even tho they werent in this chap much.. i just always need to mention them))
yewook are adorable.
LMAO kangie makes me laugh...... he needs more then his agressive ways to get a girl like tuekkie xDDD
WHATS IN THE BOX HANNIE? and really he ddnt reject you chul, hes just decent XDDDDD
-awaits for next week-
love ♥
dayum Heechuls bussyyy >3<
but then again, bias fed <3 thanks hun! omg YeWook and EunHae please *^*
will try XD
love ♥
Kyu! be a man and talk to her><, that's the point of calling
hahahah, heechul needs to try harder, and im curious about hannie's boxo.o
yes, at least two of them had made progress, yaay to hyukkie and yesungXDD
LOVE EUNHAE (though they werent in this chap much, at least you still mentioned them)<33
*waits for the next chapp*
love ♥
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