Characters: OPEN!
Setting: On a pond on the outskirts of town.
Time: December 23rd
Summary: The Christmas Party of Justice!
Warnings: Justice, grumpiness, and a threat of underpants.
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He knew that he didn't exactly have the element of surprise going for him as neither quickness nor stealth was on his side when it came to swapping shoes for skates. Though funny, he could have sworn he hadn't seen ice like this anywhere on the way here.
His problem was a bit the opposite of Amelia's--his skates would probably be too small if he grew any time soon; they were hockey skates that looked like they'd been through a bit. But skates were skates and Seiya wasn't particularly choosy. He had his vanity, yes, but that was more to do with grace than with style.
Whether Amelia noticed him or not, and she probably had, he came out after her, trailing behind...
The theme from Jaws playing in the back of his head.
And suddenly there was Seiya, looming.
It was more the abruptness of a figure appearing suddenly out of nowhere that got her. With an "eep!", down the girl went on her bottom.
The kind of laugh that should have had him on his butt, too, but Seiya was so at ease with his body that keeping his balance wasn't a problem. Yet.
After a moment he got himself under control and he smiled, reached out. "Hand up?"
She'd started to get up herself, rolling to the side, but accepted the help, using his hand to pull herself up fully.
Well, until the large skates proved too ungainly and she went down again, potentially dragging him down with her. She couldn't say she would be sorry for that.
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"I am," she answered, with no particular emotion. "You are...?" Because in her opinion it was better to ask than to guess.
Red hair, mismatched eyes, tall - but then, she couldn't tell who a person was by their looks anymore. Not here. Not in this undistorted world. No point in analyzing them, then.
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Knowing Kaito's mood, the girl was determined to be cheerful as much as possible to try to fend it off. She was already down on the bank, putting on her skates. "It'll be fun," she informed him. "I'll teach you this time, okay?"
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She nodded to the few people out on the ice. "See, they're having fun."
For a brief moment anyway. Halfway to the place and he very nearly turned around and walked back home. Unfortunately, the prospect of being around Amelia in person seemed more tolerable than the prospect of another night sitting around at home or cruising another bar (which was utterly terrible when people knew you to be a cop during the day). Felix would be there at any rate... Hopefully. Unless he was smart enough to ditch it.
Weather didn't bring skates- he didn't need to. Just as he stepped onto the ice, he used his stand to compact air at the bottom of his feet. Air boots.
"This is the best thing you could think of?"
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