So there's an add campaign that's started up on the radio (not sure about tV); have only heard it a few times as yet. -- Apparently, random people (I'd imagine more youth than any other, but I could very well be wrong) will be randomly searched in the city by police for knives and other weapons. if any are found, there will be a $1000 fine issued
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Comments 5
Unfortunately lots of people on the train doesn't mean idiots won't still attack. There's been at least one report where a group attacked a rather full train and if memory serves it wasn't all that late either. A lot of keeping safe on trains is how you carry yourself and staying out of conflict if something happens. Once at night I feared for my safety as there was a guy pacing and raving and these idiots were trying to upset him more. I got off and went to the driver, who let me ride with him.
I'm all for guards on the trains - I'd also love a quiet carriage but somehow don't see them implementing that here.
Yeh I'm prob too confident for my own good sometimes. But yeh, I think with these things 9in place, crime will decrease at least a bit.
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