So there's an add campaign that's started up on the radio (not sure about tV); have only heard it a few times as yet. -- Apparently, random people (I'd imagine more youth than any other, but I could very well be wrong) will be randomly searched in the city by police for knives and other weapons. if any are found, there will be a $1000 fine issued! This is awesome; it's sad that it has to come to this certainly, but it's had too and it's the best thing I've heard to happen re crime in a while. -- I heard a shocking statistic a few days ago; one in four teenagers carry knives around; that is just so so disturbing; unbelievable in fact.
Also in other kinda related news, i just heard this morning on
3AW news that there has been discussion of having armed guards on each train after 6 PM. Again, sad it's had to come to this, but getting more and more necessary. -- Each time parents have protested about my occasionally catching the train at night in the past, I've told them that I'd always felt safe due to the shorter trains and therefore, more people, which had certainly been true. as there has been heaps of people, i did feel safe; I guess now I'm not so sure.
Will be making an appointment soon to have me ears cleaned.
Til Next Time, RdFreak