Title: Start the Fire.
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: G (i guess)
Word Count: 321
Characters/Pairings: Janice & Matt!Sylar
Disclaimer: Don’t own. Eat a bag Kring!
Spoilers/Time Line: Vol. 4 (I'm lazy)
Summery: Breakfast at the Parkman's. Guess staring Sylar. ;)
Author’s Notes: gift!fic for
missbreese . she asked for Janice/Sylar. Happy Belated Birthday and I hope you like it. (unbeta'd)
Sylar felt unwelcome in Matt Parkman's body and home sick for his own. But he was in control now and that was a step in the right direction. He sat down at the breakfast table, watching as Matt's wife wondered the kitchen. He could feel Matt in the back of his mind.
"Morning, Janice."
"Good morning, Matthew. How are you feeling today?"
He flinched, not at the implication in her voice but by the fact that she called him Mathew. He shook it off and maintained his focus.
"I was just thinking of that time we visited the lodge and it got so cold because the heater broke--"
"And you conveniently forgot to bring your sleeping bag."
"We were staying at a lodge and I was trying to get in your pants, if I recall ..."
"Yes, but it didn't work." She took a drink from her cup looking at him from over the rim.
"Didn't it?" He glanced back at her suggestively. "Cause the baby in the other room could imply otherwise." He flicked the news paper in Matt's hands. "On the other hand it has been so long that I can barely remember now."
"You can barely remember yesterday?" She lifted her eyebrow
"Ah yes, yesterday ... Well, that was a whole 15 hours ago. And I am getting forgetful in my rough, old age. Why don't you remind me?" He smiled at her and resisted the urge to use Matt's powers to seduce his wife. He could use his own good old fashioned charm. Janice smiled at him and Sylar felt Matt's will kicking at the back of his mind. He smiled in return.
" ... Maybe later, Matthew. Right now I have to get to work."
H'm so do I. He thought to himself and then began to taunt the man trapped in his own head. Hey Matty, why don't you tell me how well that fireplace works...