Wallet With a Blue Rubber Band (fic)

Oct 27, 2009 01:43

Title: Wallet with a Blue Rubber Band.

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: G

Word Count: 1300

Characters/Pairings: Elle, Maya (Inc.)

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: none really.

Summery: Wallet found.

Author’s Notes: I don't even know. I guess for superkappa who wanted buddy fic with Maya and Elle. It can be done. Unbeta'd

PROMPT TABLES Un_love_you prompt # 29  "Author's Choice" 100heroesfics prompt # 28 "Children"

Maya dropped one of the grocery bags down by her feet, fishing out the apartment keys with a free hand. When she finally got the door opened she toed the other bag through the gap in the door. It was then that she noticed the small bundle on the floor just outside of her door. After relieving herself from the weight of her grocery bags, she bent to pick it up, looking up and down the empty hallway. She frowned as she closed the door behind her, placing the wallet on her kitchen counter. It lay there forgotten as she put the food away and made dinner.

The cable was out again and as she didn’t much feel like watching television, so she laid down across her couch with her hand against her cheek, inclining her legs back and forth in consumed thought. She turned her head towards the clock above the door and caught the sight of the wallet that she discovered in the hallway earlier. Lifting herself on her arms she stretched before getting up.

She swept it up into her fingers, tossing it to and fro, from one hand to the other as she bounded back onto her couch. Maya grimaced as she landed on the hard edge of a book that had been shove in-between the cushions. She sat back (this time a bit more carefully) pulling her feet under her, and resting heavily among the pillows.

It was soft, brown, and smelled of sweet old leather. She cracked it open, investigating its connects.

Thirty dollars and forty-one cents, A photo of a small family (mother, father, two sons and what looked like a lizard in the smaller boy’s breast pocket). Various membership cards for grocery and book stores, video and business cards.

There was no real form of identification in the wallet. All the names were different, but she had a feeling that the picture was important. Though, everything else about the wallet was confusing, that stuck out to her the most.

There was a knock at the door, every distinct. Even though Maya knew who it was it still made he jump.

“We’re home mommy!” Alexandra screamed as she burst though the door, nearly knocking Maya over with her exuberant hugging. But Maya, being e good mother, recovered expertly sweeping her young child up into her arms, attacking her with kisses.

“That one, is a hand full.” Said the blond, weighed down with gift bags, standing in the doorway.

“Alexa! I told you, you were to behave yourself for your tia, did I not?” Maya scolded as she hurried over to help Elle with the rest of the bags. They'd been neighbors and friends ever since the fist time they met eight years ago in the very same apartment building.

“But I did mama!”

“I got these ones mom! I’m strong!” Said a highly strained voice in the hallway.

“Poor kids gonna give himself a hernia with all the strength.” Elle let out in a breath.

“Alexa, you think you could help us with the rest of the bags?” Maya placed the bags on the floor near the counter, when her daughter sprang up next to her, both hands hidden behind her back.

“Here I am. I was very good! See! I even got you a present.” She lifted up a clear bowl, pushing it into her mother’s hands.

“I got one too, Aunt Maya!” Yelled Bobby from the hall.

“Oh! Sweetheart, it’s very nice.” Maya said, lifting the bowl to inspect it. “What is it for?”

“It’s for this.” The girl attempted to say with her two front teeth missing. She lifted a bag with a tiny goldfish swimming inside. Maya looked up at Elle, then back down at the goldfish. “It’s a goldfish mommy, duh!” Maya looked down at her down, eyebrows raised.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m sorry, mommy. I only meant --”

“Later mija. For now, you and Bobby go get washed up. Dinner’s ready.” Maya said eying Elle who gave a tiny shrug in answer.

“She was very well behaved. How could I say no? She just has more energy than I can even begin understand.”

“You old lady, you should be used to it with that strapping son of yours.” Maya said brushing Bobby's hair as he past grunting under the weight of a bag.

“Yes, but the both of them together? They’re like co-conspirators!”

“I tired to tell you.” Maya shoo her head with a smile. "Oh Elle you out did yourself. Take some of this stuff across the hall!"

“Later, okay? My place is full enough as it is. What is this?” Elle asked leaning on the place Maya was before their arrival. She was fingering the contents of the wallet. “Are you starting a project?”

“Actually I found that outside the door when I was bringing in the groceries. Thank you, so much for taking her with you and Bobby today.”

“Oh it was no problem. I’d do it for free, but ignore that last part cause I love it when you have us over for dinner.” Elle was now flipping through the cards as Maya had done earlier.

“We are glad to have you both, cariña.” Maya waved her hand at Elle as she pulled out the plates and began setting the table.

“Oh my god! Who is this guy?” Elle whistled holding up the pitcher to light to get a better

"Where did you find that?"

“It was behind the bizarre-o family portrait.”

“Let me see it.” Elle handed it over, turning in her seat to look over Maya’s shoulder.

“He’s kinda cute ain’t he? I mean in a Clark Kent kinda way.”

“… I guess. I mean if you’re a huge nerd and like that sort of thing. He’s not really my …

“Okay! I get the point. And I also know you’re lying, chica. He kinda looks like a puppy don‘tcha think?”


"Dude, check it out. There’s writing on the back. I just says ‘Forgive me’.

“Well, that’s ....” Maya made a face.

“Tell me about it. I mean, forgive him for what? For being so damn adorable it what. Mister, I wouldn't kick you outta my bed.”

“Hello!” Said Maya wiggling her eyebrows salaciously before tossing a blue rubber band at Elle. “Do me a favor and wrap that around the wallet to keep it in one piece. Just put it in the drawer till we can figure out who it belongs to.”

“Sure thing, chica.” Elle did as she was asked, closing the drawer with her hip, then yelled out for the kids. “Bobby and Alexa get your hinnies out here it’s dinner time!”

“What’s for dinner? It smells so good!” Bobby got there first.

“It’s Chilaquiles for me and your mom, cause she wanted to try them.”

“That’s for breakfast mommy!” Alexa whistled through the the gap in her teeth.

“Tranquilo, Alexa. And for the two of you, you may enjoy some quesadillas.” The children did a little victory dance in their chairs. Raising their hands above their heads as their mothers smile down at them.

“And what about desert? Did you, tia Ellie? You promised.” Eyes so huge they reminded her of her sons, stared up at her and she felt her heart shudder.

“Modales, mija! What did I tell you?” Maya frowned at her daughter.

“Yes, baby, I brought your favorite.” Elle reached out to stroke the girls hair. The victory dance continued.

“Yay! Peach Cobbler!”

Maya shook her head holding in a smile until she caught Elle’s gaze. Then the infectious laughter in the room became too much for either of them to fight.

fic, un_love_you, heroes, prompts, 100 maya stories!, gift!fic, elle bishop, maya herrera

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