Mightier Than the Sword (fic)

Aug 13, 2009 01:40

Title: Mightier Than the Sword

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG13 (language)

Word Count: 893

Characters/Pairings: Maya/Sylar

Disclaimer: Don’t own. Kring can have it.

Spoilers/Time Line: up to "The Eclipse" (i guess)

Summery: She refuses his gift

Author’s Notes: For
sarah_1228 who made this request for the movie meme thingy. Warning Cracky ooc Sylar. Seriously Jess made  connections to Deadpool. lol crack

PROMPT TABLES Un_love_you prompt # 6 "I want to need you." 100heroesfics # 99 Writer's Choice

I went to visit her. Walked right up to the front door and knocked like a normal human being. Her response when she opened the door to find "her ex" standing there, smirking like he knew something she didn't -and I did- was a bit less then human. Or it was completely human and less humane, I decided.

"Hello Maya. I thought I'd drop by for a quick visit considering my father is footing the bill for these ---" And then all of a sudden there was something in my chest. Not just any something, but a pen something. It was there, protruding out of me like it was there everyday, no big deal or anything ... except that it really fucking hurt.

Despite the fact that I could recover from such crass behavior now, I was a little disappointed at her reaction, for all she knew that little greeting could have killed me. So why not give her a show for her efforts. I grabbed at the pen and let myself sink to the floor. I pressed my hand to the bloodstain spreading across my (new, silk!) shirt then looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"Why-?" But that was cut off by first ,a sneaker in my gut, then a fist in my face. I thought I could take it .. but then she hit me again and I decided I'd had enough. "What the hell, woman!" I reached up to grab her hand that was, at that moment, a very potent fist. "I'm on the ground bleeding and you won't even stop to gloat?"

She gasped backing away as I let her hand go to tend to my already healing wound.


"Where!?" I inhaled dramatically, looking over my shoulder for emphasis, then ripped the pen out of my chest. "Oh you mean -- Seriously, do you know another tune?"

She turned to run. Of course, that's what they all do when they finally figure out they can't beat you. But then I stopped her, of course, because that's what I do when I remember I hate running in new shoes.

"I guess not." I say, as the telekinesis cushions her -see, I can be nice- against a wall. "I'm not going to hurt you." She screams. I roll my eyes then shut her mouth. "Unless provoked."

I hold up my hand to her and notice that the pen is still in my grasp. It's silver and is the kind that gets mounted on a little pedestal. She answered the door with a pen in her hand?

"My pen?"

She doesn't say anything for obvious reasons, so I decide to take up the slack. I know how it goes.

"You were using the pen I sent you." I look down at it in my hands. "There's blood on it now. God, do you have to ruin everything!" I began to walk towards her when I realize something.

"Huh. Why aren't you using your powers, little Maya?" I raise my hand to brush the hair away from her face. The motion of my hand trails the blood on my fingers across her forehead. The mark across her head is curious, because I've never done that to her, not really. And she looks down at me with those huge, gaping, lovely dark eyes. Dark, but not her usual 'drowning in sickness: black'. My own eyes widen in horrible revelation as I let my hand drift over the rest of her prone form. I don't feel it. Not here.

"What did you do, Maya?"

And then there's a vibration. Not in my fingers, but near my heart. Don't get excited or anything it was just my cell phone vibrating in my breast pocket.

"City morgue. I kill'em, you chill'em."

"Gabriel ... where are you?"

"Oh! Hi mom!" I cringe and bring my finger up to my lips, signaling Maya to stay quiet. How very cliche of her to call me when I'm in the middle of something with a girl. "I'm just visiting an old friend is all." I turn back to wink at Maya, who gives me a look, which in turn makes me give her a look.

"I know where you are, Gabriel. And if you don't leave this instant --"

"Mooom!" And I really didn't mean for it to come out that way, but since it did and there was no way for me to regain my dignity in this situation ... "I'll see you in a few minutes." I know when to cash in my chips. But before I let her go ...

I take the pen she used to stab me with and slip it into the pocket of her jeans. "Something to remember me by -- if The Haitian doesn't pay a visit straight after, that is."

I turn my back and listen as she slides to the floor when I release her. And then she moves and I feel the strike of my gift hitting me in the back. Oh she wants to play ...

"I don't want it you bastard."

"You're gonna get it." I say as I pick up the pen and slip it in to my pocket. One last thought plays over and over and over as I walk out of her apartment building scribbling down the address with my new pen.

Shit. I'm gonna get Haitian-ed.

fic, un_love_you, heroes, 100 maya stories!, gift!fic, maya herrera, sylar, saya, crack!fic

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