I Believe in Peace, Bitch (fic)

Jun 25, 2009 11:48

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: I believe in peace, bitch.

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG-13 for language.

Word Count: 644

Characters/Pairings: Eden, Elle (mentions of HRG & The Haitian.)

Disclaimer: Don’t own. Kring = Fail.

Spoilers/Time Line: None really

Summery: Scheming Elle

Author’s Notes: For superkappa who requested Eden, Elle to the tune of The Waitress, by Tori Amos

Mr Bennet.

He was busy with a potential. A little girl with huge eyes.

When they brought her in she had tape on her mouth. At first I'd thought that Mr. Bennet had gone a little kinky, but I realized that he usually does things for a reason. At first I tried to get in a few times to see her. You know, a friendly welcome. But too much time passed before I finally got my chance. By that time is was too late.

She'd been in the company for 2 months and already she was being trained to ... I've been in this place my whole fucking life and they wouldn't let me do shit, until I was 20. And even then I had to practically beg. That bitch was moving in on all the time I was supposed to have with Bennet. I needed training too!


So, I ask the Haitian, who never talks to me. I figure we have a common interest. Besides, he looked like he really wanted to talk this time.

"What's the skinny on this one?" No go. He barely even looks at me. I think about giving him a little shock (you know, check and see if everything's still working) and I would have, if his powers weren't so lame. I lean past him to peek in the window. He smells good. The girl had duct tape over her mouth. "Huh looks like you to have a lot in common." I turn back to him but see that he's moved silently across the hall. He wasn't even looking at me. What a creep.

"Why's she got tape on her mouth? Does she she bite? Does she have like crazy teeth or something, or an uncontrollable urge to blow everyone she meets on site?" I finished that one with a giggle behind my fingers. I don't care if he doesn't listen me, none of them do. It doesn't matter anyway, it's no use wasting good jokes on this guy.

You try to help out, even a little, and get your head bit off instead. It's a good thing 'new girl' doesn't have crazy teeth like I originally thought.

"So the new girl, Eden, is coming in today for a make over." I say with a roll of my eyes. "Gotta look her best for the boss, h'm?" And then I get a idea, and it not just any lame brain normal idea. This one's fucking brilliant. You know what would be funny ... "Hey, uh yeah ... So my Daddy sent me down here and he wanted me to tell you, that he thinks the new girls hair ..." I click my tongue and shake my head "Too long. So you're gonna need to like ... remove it. " And just to give it that extra special touch, I give him my most convincingly, stern-serious look. "If you don't believe me I can have daddy come down here and confirm it if you want. But you know ... he's really busy ... but if you insist ..."

"That's okay Elle ... I get the message. Seem like Eden's got a new friend."

"Friend? To her? Silly, no! Whore's ain't got no friends."*

"... H'm ... Is there any style in particular he wanted me to give her?"

"Something short and ugly." I say but then he's all giving me 'crazy eyes' so I reaffirm him with "He used those words specifically."

"Okay, Boss Man's Daughter. Whatever you say."

I run my hand over the instruments. All sorts of sheers and electrical clippers. Some of them start up all by themselves ... Sparkle, sparkle snap...

"Groovy! And If you could used one of these lovely instruments..."

Elle found out soon enough that the stylist never planed to do what she told him to. So she took matters into her own hands.

* Credit:

"Whore's aint got no friends." from Demon Knight
"Groovy" Evil Dead 2

And now I think Elle watches horror moves like it's a romantic comedies

gift!fic, fic, elle bishop, eden, heroes, tori amos

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