Oct 02, 2009 08:11

For anyone on my flist who is a fan of Battlestar Galactica (and that's like half of you! So I'm expecting some response here!) Come join twelvecolonies , our second battle is starting up and we are looking for shiny new members, and if you apply, lovelies, you'd be helping me out, Team Galactica lost so badly last time around, we can't let it happen again. ( ( Read more... )

comm: twelvecolonies

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Comments 7

leiascully October 2 2009, 12:40:27 UTC
Okay, I hope I don't regret this!


rayruz October 2 2009, 12:41:12 UTC
*throws confetti* You won't regret it! :D


callmeonetrack October 2 2009, 13:48:25 UTC
Should I do it? IDK!!

OK I signed up.


coffeesuperhero October 2 2009, 14:04:40 UTC
Okay, you got me. I'm interested! But I don't want to be dead weight for my (potential) team, what with the law school and all. What do we do? Write fic? Make art? Vids? Are there guidelines? Like, if you're on Team Galactica, you only write scenes that take place on Galactica?

I'm excited! I just don't want to join unless I know I can contribute to the fun. Also law school has ruined me for asking too many damn questions in advance, lol. :D


rayruz October 2 2009, 14:08:23 UTC
Fics vids and art are all challenges. The challenges are incredibly self explanitory when they are posted and your team has no influence on restricting your content for challenges


coffeesuperhero October 2 2009, 15:31:31 UTC
Okay, I did it! Woo!


rayruz October 2 2009, 15:32:41 UTC


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