Oct 02, 2009 08:11

For anyone on my flist who is a fan of Battlestar Galactica (and that's like half of you! So I'm expecting some response here!) Come join twelvecolonies , our second battle is starting up and we are looking for shiny new members, and if you apply, lovelies, you'd be helping me out, Team Galactica lost so badly last time around, we can't let it happen again. (Break the cycle and all that shit.)

What is Twelve Colonies? Modeled after whedonland, members of this community will be sorted into one of three teams - Team Basestar, Team Colonial One, and Team Galactica. There will be challenges posted in which members may participate to receive points for their teams. After three months, the team with the most points will be declared the winners and have bragging rights for the next three months. Periodically there will be tougher challenges (which will be labeled as “Battles”). These Battles will be worth more points to the winners. Challenges range from icon making to trivia to writing limericks. It's shit tons of fun guys! So check it out!


comm: twelvecolonies

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