Reading Twilight So You Don't Have To: Chapter Four

Sep 16, 2009 16:39

Chapter Three

Chapter Four: Invitations

Starts with Bella having a nightmare about Edward. Standard fare... he's walking away from her, she can't catch up no matter what she does. She dreams about him every night, and he's "always out of reach." So right here we're set up to see him as "unattainable." The perfect guy who's SO out of our league. And yet, she wins him in the end! Yay her! And, by connotation, yay us! WE can attain the unattainable, that perfect man that's out of our league!


Seriously, I really hate this set up that he's "above" her. Of course, she acts above everybody else, so naturally she'd have a thing for the only person she thinks isn't beneath her. I guess equal relationships just doesn't exist in Bella's world?

Have I mentioned, barf?

Ah, and after the accident, Bella is "dismayed" to be at the "center of attention." She especially loathes the kid who caused the accident trying to apologize, and his attentions are causing trouble between the other two guys fighting over her. Oh, it's soooooooo tiresome when the commoners fawn!!!

And... Edward is avoiding her again. She figures it's because he wished he hadn't saved her. And because of this, she needs to talk to him! ARRRGGGHH!!! Honestly, if someone is callous enough to literally wish for your death or injury (which is what a wish to not have saved her amounts to), then here's a piece of advice: STAY AWAY FROM THEM. Really, how can she be so unbelievably stupid? And this is supposed to be romantic??? OMG, not only that, she feels "awed gratitude." Towards someone she is convinced regrets saving her life. Just... wow.

And then we get into the oh-so-original School Dance Plot. Even better, it's a "girls' choice" dance. (In the age of girls-can-ask-boys-out-anytime, do they even do girls' choice/Sadie Hawkins dances anymore? And if so, why?) So, of course, there's all this drama because Mike wants her to ask him and oooooh, he's soooooooo crushed that she's not going at all. And DAMN she's rude about it. Even chews him out for not saying yes to another girl who asked him! She decides spur of the moment to avoid the dance altogether by going to Seattle. And Edward's interest is piqued!

And because this is the internet and you can't see me, I should tell you I'm rolling my eyes. (Sorry, Avatar reference. Had to think of something actually entertaining so I wouldn't strangle myself before this chapter ends.)

Bella thinks: "I couldn't allow [Edward] to have this level of influence over me. It was pathetic. More than pathetic, it was unhealthy." So, even Bella herself recognizes her behavior is unhealthy, and still this is supposed to be romantic? That's the message we want to give young girls? Seriously???

She turns to look at Edward's "too-perfect face." Take a drink! No, wait, two! It's Edward, not just any Cullen!

Oh, LORD! Now the other boy (Eric) wants to go to the dance with her! Why do these kids adore this insufferable snob??

OH MY GOD! Now Tyler, the boy who caused the accident is asking her out. What drugs are these people on? This is just ridiculous! And Edward sees and is laughing. For the love of God, these people really have no souls at all. They are two of the most despicable characters I've had the misfortune of reading about.

Edward is perfect again. Two more drinks.

Oh, and get this. She tells her dad she's going to Seattle. "I didn't want to ask permission--it set a bad precedent." Seriously, this girl needs to be smacked upside the head.

Perfect face. Another two drinks. And this right after he insults her.

And he offers her a ride to Seattle, because he's WAY too SPESHUL to hint or ask about the dance like the other lame boys.

"It would be more prudent if we weren't friends." So I'll treat you like a jerk, but then I'll ask to take you to Seattle anyway. "But I'm tired of trying to stay away from you." How romantic!!! ::gush::

She neither says yes or no, just tells him he should stay away from her.

And thus ends one of the most godawful chapters in all of the written word. It was almost enough to make me wish I drink, so I could play the drinking game. Maybe it would have been less painful with six drinks in me.

ETA: Actually, I take that back. I've just come to the conclusion that the Twilight Drinking Game I proposed (take a drink whenever a Cullen is described as "perfect;" two if it's Edward) could only end in alcohol poisoning. Do NOT try this at home, kids. SERIOUSLY.

Chapter Five

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