Missing You When You're Here - Part Three

Jun 23, 2007 01:32

Title: Missing You When You're Here
Author: raychcons
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Movie spoilers
Warnings:  Alter!Roy/Ed, Cannon!Roy/Risa (boo!)
Summary: They were back, but he was not who Ed loved.
Notes: This fic is based on if Ed and Al found a way back to their own world. Also, before you ask, at the end, Edward used Envy to return home :]
Parts: 3/3

It didn’ ( Read more... )

ed/roy, edward elric, roy mustang, fiction, fullmetal alchemist

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Comments 19

rayesesshyfan June 23 2007, 00:57:43 UTC
.......you just. Oh my god TT_TT You're one of the queens of angst.


I hate angst yet love it at the same time. Reason is because it hurts to read it but it's simply amazing.

Brava Raych-luff, brava <33~


raychcons June 23 2007, 01:05:04 UTC
Thankies, Camy-chan! I love it when you comment me because I feel cool 8D I'm glad you liked it! I tried hard to get the angst.

*throws more angst at you*

Bwahahah :D


rayesesshyfan June 23 2007, 01:10:53 UTC
You feel cool? XDD Well then, I need to stop so you can become warm :P Lmao. Pah, if you didn't 'try hard', you will still get it :P

(screams) Nuu! I'm melting D: Melting so fast like a snail |D


raychcons June 23 2007, 01:14:06 UTC
Haha *hugs* Have some cool so you don't melt - lol :P

Don't Pah me. I still need to try.

ilu ♥♥


shalinilahiri June 23 2007, 02:22:55 UTC

I love teh angst! You win at life! :D


raychcons June 23 2007, 11:36:46 UTC
Hehe XD Thanks, Shal-chan! :P


shalinilahiri June 23 2007, 11:45:55 UTC
:D , You do like your shounen-ai.


raychcons June 23 2007, 11:51:06 UTC
Oh, I do.

It's <33 :P


hybrid_kitten June 23 2007, 02:34:35 UTC
Aww [I haven't ever seen FMA lol] But this is so beautiful and angsty and... lala *squish*

<<33 Kudos to you *le peace sign*


raychcons June 23 2007, 11:37:29 UTC
Thanks a lot ^_^

You should watch it - it's totally awesome :D


sadler_girl June 23 2007, 07:44:45 UTC
wow just wow .
That was so sad. Thanks for the ending even if it was so so sad.


raychcons June 23 2007, 11:38:30 UTC
Glad you liked it. I never implied this story would be 'happy', and I was angsty when I wrote the ending XD Glad you liked it, and your welcome - it was my pleasure!


dragonimp June 23 2007, 17:17:20 UTC
Beautiful, but so very sad.


raychcons June 23 2007, 17:18:22 UTC
Thanks :] It's a nice sad XD ANGST


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