Tutorial #4 - Winry Rockbell

Jun 03, 2007 19:26

I started watching & reading Fullmetal Alchemist today. Ohmygosh I loved it XD! Al is so cute, Roy is a smexi beast, Ed is hilarious and Winry is mental... Anyway. Here is a little icon tutorial I cooked up today. I was in a mood, and history homework is so sucky :D!

Made using PSP - translatable, I think :]

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full metal alchemist, tutorial

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Comments 2

monochroma June 6 2007, 13:47:32 UTC
It's so cute! There really needs to be more tutorials on what to do with coloured manga images :D!

I hope you don't mind if I add this to my animanga/vg icon tutorial master list?


raychcons June 6 2007, 16:02:30 UTC
Feel free! XD Im glad you liked it!


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