Title: Unbearable Happiness Author: Raya Theme: Minor Characters (Optional: "A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth." -- George Bernard Shaw
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There are my four officially awarded awards by dark_branwen, the icon I used in June by ravenrogue, and the icon I used in July by you. Does that help?
When I get the two pending awards, I'm going to remake it (and hope it stays 40 kb or less). I'll slow it down a little then. It goes by a tad too fast for my liking. *chuckle* No response from db as of yet..., but I hope she likes it.
Comments 4
(Giggles) I like you newest i-con dear.
When I get the two pending awards, I'm going to remake it (and hope it stays 40 kb or less). I'll slow it down a little then. It goes by a tad too fast for my liking. *chuckle* No response from db as of yet..., but I hope she likes it.
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