Title: An Important Date
Author: Ree
Theme: Mamoru/ anniversary
Genre: General/humor
Version: Manga/Anime
Rating: G
Not mine, not yours (unless you're HER), but at least Takeuchi Naoko hasn't said we can't play.
An Important Date
Mamoru smiled down at the hyper blonde who was all but dancing at his side. "All I said was that we were going out to eat."
Usagi smiled up at him as she danced about him. "We are going on DATE! You asked me out for a date!"
Mamoru raised one eyebrow at her. "Of course I did. You know what today is, don't you?"
Usagi paused mid-step beside him as she searched her mind to figure out what was important about this particular day. Nothing came to mind.
Mamoru let a shocked look cross his face. "Surely you didn't forget today... it is our anniversary." He almost regretted it as he watched the uncertainty well up in her eyes followed quickly by tears.
'Anniversary? No it can't be... it isn't our anniversary today.' Usagi stared up at him in confusion as she fought the tears that tried to leak out. Some how she had forgotten something important, and let Mamoru down.
Scooping up her hand, which still hung in the air between them, he tugged her to follow him. "It was just about here." He looked down into her worried blue eyes. "Remember yet?"
She shook her head. her eyes glued on him.
"Did you even look at where we are?"
She tore her eyes away from him, and looked at the side walk. It was one of the ones she used to travel home or to the Crown. What could be so special about this place, especially connected with Mamoru?
"You still don't remember, Odango?" Mamoru watched her to see if the nickname would bring forth her memory. No light bulbs came on; her eyes were just as lost as they had been earlier. Smiling, he shook his head. "Today is the anniversary of the day you and I first met. They day you hit me in the head with the balled up test. Who would have thought on that day that we would be here again, as a couple?"
Usagi's eyes widened as the memory of that day raced through her mind. She had been so mad at Mamoru. He had even teased her about that test grade. "It is a wonder, isn't it?"
"So, shall we continue our date?" He emphasized the last word, hoping to see her hyper again. She didn't disappoint him.