Title: Follow - Fated meeting part 5
Author: Ree
Theme: Shitennou ("Don't follow titles, follow courage)
Genre: General
Version: Manga/Anime Crystal Tokyo
Rating: G
Takeuchi Naoko had the wonderful imagination to create these gentlemen and their companions. I've just decided to borrow their look alike doubles and give them scripts.
Follow - Fated meeting part 5
Here are the prequels.. they might just help you know who everyone is ^-^
A Vacation -Fated meeting part 1 Meditating and answers - Fated meeting part 2 Tied by Fate - Fated meeting part 3 Finally found - Fated meeting part 4 AN: Goshintai - the sacred body of the kami
A chihaya is the Miko outfit like Rei wears at the temple.
Chieko sat in the glade at the heart of the goshintai. She wasn't sure why she had come there. Everywhere she looked, she was reminded of Kunzite. The light glinting off his white hair, the way he gestured as he talked.
Sighing, she stood up to leave. As she started to walk the path back to the temple she heard a gravelly voice speak.
"Don't worry about the title. Follow him."
Without turning back, she answered. "He will think I am trying to get his title."
"Are you?"
She spun about, and barely kept herself from glaring at the spirit. "I don't care about titles!"
"Then don't follow titles, follow courage. He has plenty of that. He has faced more trial and tribulations, seen more destruction and death than anyone ought. You are tied to him. Fate has link your soul to his, all you need is the courage to follow." Okuninushi patiently waited for her answer.
Chieko sank back to the ground as she looked into her heart. She knew she loved him. She loved him as a man though, not because he was Lord Kunzite. Somehow she was sure that he would know that and be happier that way. In a firm voice, she answered the spirit's unspoken question. "I'll follow."
The small rocks that made up Okuninushi mouth formed a smile. "Then give him this. He will understand." A cloak appeared on the ground near her feet. As she picked it up, it continued. "You will find him in Crystal Tokyo." Reaching down, the spirit picked up one of the numerous small rocks and handed it to Chieko. "And this is for you, my priestess. It is a part of me. Where ever you place this stone will be come a shrine to me."
Chieko curled her hand around the fist size rock. With a grateful smile, she thanked him.
Blinking her eyes, Chieko came out of her meditative trance. She felt a weight in her hand, and cloth draped over her legs. Reverently she picked up the shimmering white cloak, and stared at it and the stone. Deep in her heart she knew it was time to go.
There was ruckus at the gates. Kunzite looked out the window towards them. Someone was being escorted into the palace. Kunzite squinted a little to see who was bringing the unexpected guests in. 'Rei, not Sailor Mars...but Rei? No wonder there was a ruckus.' He could imagine the difficulties of getting a guest clearance onto the castle grounds, and not letting the guest know who she was. Deciding to find out who the guest was, he headed out to meet them.
Fates promise - Fated meeting part 6