i wandered over here from paian's journal after i couldn't stop laughing thinking of the wallace/lee fic. bwahah!....and fell on the floor when i saw the daniel in leather icon. and also adored the sga picscam. hee!
would it be ok if i used that daniel in undercover rawhide icon? no worries if you'd prefer i didn't.....and i am even a bit nervous to ask because i like to be rather careful about not being pushy. *g*
oops, i've just realized that the daniel icon is from over at icon_ascension. *meep*. sorry about that. i can only blame the affect of the undercover rawhide costume on what's left of my brain. er, not to mention the idea of wallace/lee fic. ;)
Ah don't worry about it. Um, yeah, I was reading paian's comments and I was all "what? when did THAT happen?" until I realized that I had clearly zoned out for siginificant periods. Off to my happy wriggling Danny place :)
And here's another sharable danny icon from icon_ascension *points*
hee! *cough-weeze* it's perfect. they really should get their money's worth out of that costume. it's only fair. ;)
thank you for your patience with my lack of brain cells..... i really should be getting ready for an early day at work. instead i'm staring at daniel wiggling. *veg*
I know! Hey, have you seen the clip where Michael Shanks talks about Jack/Daniel slash? I think someone posted it on jackslashdaniel a while ago. If you haven't seen it, I'll post it for you. Its a hoot!
Yeah, that's the clip. I died it was so funny. And the pretty is my latest gift from icon_ascension. There are two but I think I like this one better. I posted them both so let me know what you think. The line is of course from the picspam above :)
Comments 41
would it be ok if i used that daniel in undercover rawhide icon? no worries if you'd prefer i didn't.....and i am even a bit nervous to ask because i like to be rather careful about not being pushy. *g*
:::is embarrassed:::
And here's another sharable danny icon from icon_ascension *points*
thank you for your patience with my lack of brain cells..... i really should be getting ready for an early day at work. instead i'm staring at daniel wiggling. *veg*
Frankly, I think wriggling!Danny deserves a day off. And you can tell your boss I said so!
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