Feb 20, 2004 17:08
Hello to everyone out there.I sincerely hope no one has forgotten about myself.I guess I am just not inputting as much as I should.
Feb 14, 2004 11:52
I'm sorry I've been so quiet.I've just been too consumed with my life to really stay steadily invovled with this community.Forgive me.
Jan 27, 2004 15:18
I apologize. I've been away. Though I have been reading.
Nov 29, 2003 20:12
Kain,return to me what I lent you or I will be forced to proceed in slitting your stomach open, removing your organs, and draining your bodily fluids.
Nov 24, 2003 21:24
Not one to update much.I must apologize.I have been busy with the life I'm living.Though the people in my life are fading from me.
I feel so utterly alone and helplessly fading into oblivion.
Nov 14, 2003 23:22
Friends:great things to have, terrible things to lose.
Love:great when it's here,painful when it still is,but only from you.
Nov 12, 2003 03:27
Tired: of people looking at things the wrong way and misinterpreting so badly that it could ruin them;and,it's very early.It's time for me to rest.
Nov 02, 2003 23:12
Identities have been revealed.I know who you are,and you know who I am.We have formed an alliance.Our alliance shall not be broken,or revealed as to who we are.We are brothers in arms.
Oct 30, 2003 21:11
Crono stands before Auron on the battle ground in this entry.Auron's knees are badly slashed,and Crono is waiting for Auron to strike with another comment.