Title: Heart of the Fox
ravennightmare6Chapter: 4/?
Genre: AU, Supernatural, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Humour
Rating(Overall): NC-17
Pairing/s: Reita&Uruha (Akira&Uruha)
Synopsis: Things in this world are never as they seem and, sometimes, we have to learn that lesson the hard way. Just when you think you know everything, life can throw you the most shocking
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Comments 19
I'm a new reader of yours and I really like this story! So far so good. My favorite otp is ReitaxUruha so yeah, this is one of my favorite stories of all time!!
Anyway, I don't think Uruha's other side was too sudden, it was just right.
And that handjob was like the best written handjob I've ever read *still wiping the remainings of a huge nosebleed* It was just perfect the way you wrote it.
So Ruki made an appear, hm... I really hope he won't hit on MY Reita *hates ReitaxRuki :P*
*runs away from angry fangirls*
Btw, I'm really glad you got your mojo back! Keep up the good work!
I was totally excited when I saw that you brought a new chapter of this story *was squealing like a crazy fangirl, which isn't too far from reality XD*
I'm looking forward the next chapter!!!!
Ah! Fabulous, I always love attracting a new audience. Welcome to my fic world, love. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself so far~ And Reituha is my otp as well, so I always feel like there is a lack of fic for them ;___;
I'm glad you don't think Uru's other side was too sudden. I kind of tried to find a way to weave it in and I thought the collapsing/exhaustion thing would be a good way to do that because he'd be too tired to try hiding his weakness. And it sounds like that worked, so I'm happy.
Ahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed the handjob~ Usually I don't write a lot of smutty stuff because I don't think I'm that great, so you gave me confidence bootser. Thanks ^_^
And Ruki has appeared~ In the most inconvenient way possible xD But never fear, Ruki hits on just about anyone so if he hits on Reita it won't mean much xD
I'm glad to have my mojo back too! Lets hope it sticks around for a while D: I'm so happy you're enjoying the story so far, sweetie and thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment <3 <3
Wahh, It's so great to see an update to this story! And we all needed some 'foxy lovin' XDXD
*pfui* Too hot!
And Ruki~~ !! <3 <3 <3
Can't wait for the next part! Great to read you've got your Mojo back! Hugs!
Thank you for commenting and reading, lovely <3
Mind if I add you so I can keep up with updates? ^^
Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it even though it's a bit weird ;P
Add away, darling. I don't mind one bit ^_^ <3
Thank you~
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