Supernatural Rec: Swear by All Flowers by SweetestDrain (NC-17)

Jul 07, 2008 20:51

OK, yes, this is Wincest futurefic, and if you've hung around this LJ, you know I haven't dabbled much in that pairing or seen all of the canon so far, so you might not trust my opinion on the rec. But this story--so good! Plotty and canonesque (Russian folktale based!!), and the Sam/Dean angst is palpable, but not overblown. Yes, there's brotherly love, but the incestuous sex isn't the point in this tale. It's all about the love, and that works for me with these two characters, who revolve around one another in their own world. Oh, yeah, this is really long: it's part of the spn_j2_bigbang fest.
Swear By All Flowers by sweetestdrain (NC-17), Sam/Dean

31 flavors, sam/dean, supernatural, recs, wincest, slash

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