FIC: Swear By All Flowers (SPN, Sam/Dean)(complete)

Jun 18, 2007 19:43

Hey everyone! A very rushed posting from France to announce my spn_j2_bigbang fic. I have a lot I could say about this fic -- the learning process, the editing process, what I think worked, what I think didn't, etc. -- so it's probably lucky that I don't have time to ramble. I'll leave it simply at "hope you enjoy!" and let the rest fall where it may.

Much thanks to the two awesome artists who stepped up to provide cover/illustrations for this fic, gray_light and sarahtoga. They are both deeply, deeply cool, incredibly fun to work with, and their art is wonderful! You can find sarahtoga's illustrations here -- go and leave her feedback! And

(Her LJ post is here!)

And now, the fic. To the best of my knowledge, there are no spoilers for the latter half of season two, but no guarantees up till that point. At some point I'll post about the Russian folktales that served as inspiration (or direct influence), but that time is not now. The title is from e.e. cummings.

Swear By All Flowers
Sam/Dean. 37,000+ words. Warnings for language and adult content. (Call it NC-17 to be safe.)

Two years after the yellow-eyed demon is defeated, the Winchesters are still waiting for their happy ending.

ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX [or read by tag]

I apologize in advance for delayed response to comments, but any and all feedback would be adored. Eeek! Hope you like.

tv_supernatural, fic_spn:swearbyallflowers, fic

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