fic: Spn/DrWho/TW Enter the Doctor 11/11 - Complete

Aug 30, 2010 19:27

Title: Enter the Doctor - Part 11 - Epilogue
Author: Raven Grimm
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Jack/Sam?, John, Paul, Remy Le Beau, Gene hunt, Sam Tyler, plus more
Genre: Crossover - Supernatural/Doctor Who/Torchwood, Slash, light angst
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1693
Warnings: none
Spoilers: Spn - S4, DrWho - up to 4.16, TW - CoE
Summary: Going home
Note: This takes place between S4 and S5 - Supernatural, before 'The End of Time' - Doctor Who, and at the end of 'Children of Earth' - Torchwood.
I hope you enjoy :)
All finished now! I hope you liked it :)
Previous Chapters: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10

They arrive in Cardiff without a hitch and everyone but Dean, Sam, Castiel, the Doctor and Jack - who’s arms are wrapped tightly around the Doctor - filter out onto the street.

“Don’t wait so long to come visit next time,” Jack is telling the Doctor, squeezing the Timelord’s skinny shoulders lightly. “And don’t wait for it to be a disaster either.”

“Okay, Jack,” the Doctor says with a roll of his eyes, and manages to worm his way free from Jack’s embrace.

“And that goes the same for you three as well,” Jack adds to Dean, Sam and Castiel as he straightens up. His eyes linger on Sam who flushes pink under the Captain’s suggestive gaze.

“You keep them safe, Jack,” the Doctor warns, his attention now on the new Torchwood team congregating around the invisible lift. Paul is talking excitedly to John, George and Ringo about something just out of earshot - but Dean can guess what he might be saying. There’s a very guarded look in DCI Hunt’s eyes as he watches Remy slyly, and Dean can fully understand his apprehension toward the man with demons eyes who claims not to be one.

Beethoven looks the most out of place in the group with his scruffy, wild hair and very dated attire, he also looks the most wary, which is completely understandable given that he’s been taken near enough two centuries out of his time.

“I will,” Jack says through a smirk and the Doctor rolls his eyes again, looking back at the Captain.

“You really can’t help yourself, can you?”

Jack shrugs. “I guess not,” he says, and without warning he leans between Dean and Sam and snatches Castiel up into a kiss that stuns Dean before making his insides burn jealously. Jack pulls back just as abruptly and is very quickly out of fist range. But thumping Jack would; 1 give away Dean and Castiel’s secret, and 2; achieve nothing but make Dean’s fist hurt. Instead he just grits his teeth and stands a little closer to his angel; Jack won’t be getting close enough to do that again.

Jack’s grinning wickedly as he says, “I’ve never kissed an angel before.” And Sam’s shooting Dean a curious look that Dean is trying to ignore and act casual, even though his desire to punch Jack and wipe the smugness right off his face is making his fingers twitch. Castiel - head cocked to one side - looks surprised…

“So,” the Doctor says taking a step between them, and ushering Jack out of the TARDIS, his hands closing around the doorframe on either side, preventing any one from getting in or out. “I need to get these three back.”

“And don’t forget Doctor, to come and visit, or I’ll have to come and find you,” Jack says, a devious look in his blue eyes.

“You have my word, Jack. Now go and get that lot inside before they draw a crowd, they’re not exactly blending in.”

Jack looks over his shoulder and chuckles at the nine new members of his team. From the looks of it DI Tyler is getting a going over by Beethoven who’s yelling something loud and incomprehensible at him. DCI hunt is just smirking as he lights a cigarette, nudging Flirty Berty so that he can bring his hands to his face without the handcuffs getting in the way.

They watch Jack as he wanders over to join his team and ushers a small group onto the elevator. Paul gives a small wave as he disappears from sight.

“Home?” the Doctor asks, closing the doors and turning to them with smile lighting his eyes..

“Home,” Dean says, not that he and his brother really have a home, but America is, at least, more of a home than England.

“What do all these things do?” Dean asks, at last finding himself curious about the time travelling box, as the Doctor presses seemingly random buttons on the console.

“That just turns on the external camera monitor and recorder,” Sam explains rather smugly if you ask Dean. Sam cocks his head. “But it’s not normally flashing.”

The Doctor looks over. “Looks like it’s been recording,” he says and presses a button that must have been ‘play’ as the monitor blinks to life to reveal a snow topped Torchwood. The scene looks almost peaceful, until the lightly falling snow turns abruptly to an almost blizzard like downpour. A moment later several angry, loincloth wearing, and very hairy men lollop past, one however, stops, narrows his eyes at the TARDIS and thrusts the large bone in his hand up in the air angrily before chasing off after his friends.

The screen fuzzes over a moment, leaving only static and when the image returns it’s no longer in daylight, but dark and lit only by street lamps.

The Doctor fast-forwards the recording and a number of distinctly inhuman beings zip across the screen. The Doctor abruptly releases the button and leans in towards the screen, frowning deeply. He presses another button once, twice, three times; each time the image jumps backwards a few scenes.

The Doctor’s hand clenches when a face leaps into view and Dean recognises him as the Master.

“What was he doing out there?” Sam asks and the Doctor bites his lip.

“I don’t know,” he says through gritted teeth, then makes the recording jump forwards through the scenes so as not to miss too much. It isn’t much longer before a startled looking caveman whooshes across the screen and the Doctor lets the scene play out at normal speed again. Several more cavemen and aliens whip past the camera as if blown by an unnatural wind which catches up the snow as well. Everything that had wondered past the TARDIS earlier and several more things that Dean hadn’t noticed are being propelled from the left to the right of the screen.

The screen fuzzes again. A moment later the scene is in daylight again and the snow is light and undisturbed.

The Doctor continues to stare at the monitor, not yet relaxed and Dean soon sees why; the Master walks into view. He turns to the camera a broad grin spreading across his lips, and even without sound it’s obvious what he says next, ‘Hello, Doctor’. With a curt wave and a glance at his surroundings, the Master strolls out of view, his hands in his pockets.

“How?” is the first and only thing Dean can think to say, but the Doctor almost talks over him as he says, “The shields.” He sounds defeated.

“The what?”

“The TADRIS has shields. The Master must have stood inside them and waited there. He knew we were going to turn the Rift Manipulator off, and he knew what was going to happen to him because of that.” The Doctor shakes his head. “I shouldn’t have left him there, I should have… I should have done something…”

“I don’t get it, why’s the Master so bad?” Dean asks.

The Doctor turns to Dean, his expression so serious that it makes Dean stand a little straighter. “Did you ever hear of an English politician called Harold Saxon?” he asks and surprisingly the name does sound familiar.

“Didn’t he disappear or something?” Sam asks, and the reason Dean’s heard the name is now clear; Sam.

“Well Harold Saxon, other wise known as ‘the Master’, had some nasty plans for the Earth and thanks to the Paradox machine he’d turned my TARDIS into, he succeeded.

“Only we managed to shut it down and everything went back to how it was before, just like with the Rift Manipulator.” The Doctor’s head droops, his shoulders hunched. “The Master died, he was shot,” he says, and regardless of how much the Doctor obviously hated what the Master had tried to do, it’s clear by the look on the Doctor’s face and in the tone of his voice that the Master dead was that last thing he had wanted.

“So the Rift being opened brought him back and now he’s been copied like the others?” Sam asks.

Dean’s stomach clenches, his mouth suddenly very dry. “Have we been copied?” he asks, trying to stop his voice from sounding as anxious as he feels about this prospect.

The Doctor shakes his head. “No, you three weren’t taken from your time by the Rift, the TARDIS brought you to Cardiff before all that started to happen, so you’re safe.” Dean breaths a sigh of relief, although two Dean’s would be quite cool, and two Cas’s would be… well, interesting… On the other hand, two Sam’s… Dean could do without!

“You’re going to need to find him aren’t you?” Sam says, more of a statement than a question.

“Yes, but I’ll take you three back first,” the Doctor says, and a few button presses and a shudder later and, if it’s Dean’s lucky day, they’re safely back home, or at least, close by their current motel.

A quick look at a monitor and the Doctor confirms that the ship hasn’t strayed off target and it’s time they parted ways.

“Oh hang on!” the Doctor says just as Dean opens the door.

“What?!” Dean asks, sincerely hoping he hasn’t just let in some horrible beast.

“Have any of you got a mobile phone on you?”

Castiel is the only one to produce a phone as both Dean and Sam are staring at the Doctor blankly.

The Doctor types what Dean assumes must be his number into the phone then does something to it with his sonic screwdriver.

“There” he says, handing it back to the angel. “Now you can call me anywhere, anywhen.”

“That will be useful,” Castiel says, pocketing the phone.

“Yeah, thanks,” Dean says. He peers out at the same snowy park they had first met the Doctor and his time travelling box in, before nodding his goodbye to the Doctor and stepping out.

“You know what?” he says, footsteps crunching in the snow.

Sam looks at him curiously as the TARDIS’s engines fade in and out until they’re replaced by the sounds of distant traffic.

Dean smiles. “That was one crazy dream.”

~The End~

fanfiction, character: john lennon, character: gene hunt, fic: torchwood, dean/castiel, fic: spn, character: dean winchester, character: tenth doctor, character: captain jack harkenss, fic: life on mars, character: paul mccartney, character: captain jack harkness, character: sam tyler, character: sam winchester, slash, fic: doctor who, character: castiel

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