Fic: Spn/DrWho/TW crossover - Enter the Doctor - (7/?)

Apr 02, 2010 12:12

Title: Enter the Doctor - Part 7
Author: ravengrimm 
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Ten, Sam, Cpt Jack,
Genre: Crossover - Supernatural/Doctor Who/Torchwood, Slash and some crakiness
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3717
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Spn - S4, DrWho - up to 4.16, TW - CoE
Summary: The guys search for the rift manipulator and make an unfortunate discovery...
Note: This takes place between S4 and S5 - Supernatural, before 'The End of Time' - Doctor Who, and at the end of 'Children of Earth' - Torchwood.
Previous Chapters: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6

The Doctor can run pretty fast when he’s looking for something, but it’s a bit haphazard following behind him as he has a nasty habit of suddenly changing direction, or stopping altogether.

“So where we headed?” Dean asks, before being force to jerk to a stop again to avoid colliding with the Doctor’s back.

After glaring at his sonic screwdriver and flicking it a few times the Doctor looks up and points. “That way,” he says and darts across the road and into an alleyway.

“Is he always like this?” Dean asks Jack as they make their way across the street trailing after the Doctor.

“Pretty much,” Jack says with a fond smile on his lips and in his eyes. “You’ve got to love this Doctor,” Jack says before falling ominously silent. “Unless of course, you’ve got someone else to love,” he adds with a sly tone to his voice and though he doesn’t look directly at Dean or Castiel, Dean knows what he’s hinting at. It’s clear that Jack has definitely worked it out.

Sam has a suspicious look in his eyes when he looks at Jack, but that expression turns to something else and he looks away quickly. It makes Dean snigger inside, that maybe something did happen inside torchwood when Sam and the Captain were alone together…

Dean hides an amused grin with his hand and steers the conversation away from Sam finding out about himself and Castiel’s relationship. He asks Jack if he knows where they’re headed but Jack shrugs, flipping open the strap on his wrist.

“I can’t give you a precise location. Something’s interfering with my scanners, probably the rift manipulator, maybe something they’re using to hid it, hard to tell. The signal is inconsistent, emitting in bursts, and the area it covers is wide.”

“If that’s the case, then what’s he doing?” Dean nods at the Doctor’s back as he disappears around a bend, coat tails flapping. “Tell me he not just wandering around hoping to get lucky.”

Jack laughs. “No, the Doctor can use his sonic screwdriver to home in on where the signal is strongest and follow it that way,” he says. “Though there are times when that seems like the case, but the Doctor is a genius so I shouldn’t worry.”

A genius? Dean will believe it when he sees it…

“So kind of like a game of hot and cold then?” he assumes. “Except it’s a buzzy stick that’s telling him if he’s getting warmer.”

“Yeah I guess you could put it that way.”

They find the Doctor again standing in the middle of the next street, fiddling with his screwdriver.

“Um, so I was wondering,” Dean starts, trying to find the words that won’t make this sound as bad as it possibly could be. “What if the TARDIS gets shoved back in time again, and you know, with John and Paul still inside it?” he asks, hoping he doesn’t sound as worried as he thinks maybe he is.

“Oh don’t worry, they’re perfectly safe,” Jack tells him. “The TARDIS is impenetrable, nothing can get in there without a key,” he explains and Dean clears his throat, not quite feeling reassured yet. “But what if one of them opens the doors?” he adds and Jack frowns at him. “Why would they do that?” he asks and Sam looks at Dean sideways. “What happened?”

Dean sighs. “John opened the damn doors didn’t he,” he grumbles and Sam has to go an hit the nail on the head by asking, “And where were you?”

Dean clears his throat, remembering exactly where he had been and really not wanting to have to go into detail on that.

“Dean,” Castiel says, placing a hand on his shoulder and Dean’s really hoping he isn’t about to let the cat out of the bag in front of everyone, but turning Dean finds the angel staring at something down the street.

Dean blinks.

“Well that dude looks annoyingly familiar,” he says and the caveman looks up from the trashcan he’d been peering into and grunts at them, or more precisely; at Dean. He scowls at Dean and lobs some nondescript piece of trash at him that falls widely short of hitting anyone.

“Dude when did you have time to piss off a, a… caveman?” Sam asks looking back and forth between them with a smirk on his lips.

“When a certain Beatle opened a certain door,” Dean snaps, folding his arms.

“You let a Neanderthal into the TARDIS?” the Doctor asks, sounding more surprised than annoyed as he peers over Dean’s shoulder to look at the Neolithic man in question.

“I thought I made it clear that it wasn’t my fault,” Dean points out. “I’m the reason he’s so pissed off, he wasn’t happy about me kicking him out of the TARDIS.”

The man grunts at them then turns and grunts several more times up a side street, then he turns and cocks his head at Dean, narrows his eyes. “Ungh!” he says again with feeling.

“I think you’ve made a real enemy there, Dean,” Sam laughs.

A moment later a second Neanderthal rounds the corner and joins the first followed by another and the three of them just stand there in the middle of the street, staring.

Then the first caveman appears to have an unintelligible conversation with the other two, all the time moving his hands in a descriptive way and glancing at Dean. Then turns fully and glares at him, the others do the same, then all three shuffle off in the direction they had came from.

“Well that was weird,” Dean says, as they disappear out of sight, and he feels a little disturbed by the whole encounter.

“That reminds me of this one time on Valuxus Five, oh, three months ago I think,” Jack starts, a thoughtful but devious glint in his eyes. “Except the men had been wearing less, quite a bit less. And once they’d finished grunting at me they realised what a nice guy I was.

“And then one of them left to get these friends they’d been telling me about. One of them had four arms, really handy…” he says with a cheeky smile on his lips and an eyebrow cocked. And Dean really doesn’t want any more information on that particular encounter, and so when the cavemen return interrupting Jack’s explanation of ‘the best part…’ Dean is actually relived. That is of course until he sees that’s they’ve brought company…

The first caveman, that Dean has mentally named Grunty, has another incomprehensible conversation with the now twenty or so Neanderthals before giving Dean the evil-eye again and thrusting his bone in the air with an angry grunt.

“Um, did that look like he just said ‘Charge’ to you?” Sam asks edgily, just as the cavemen begin to converge on them in a hunched lolloping run that causes them to constantly thump into each other. Which in turn makes them stop and shove the one that bumped them.

Jack nods. “Yeah it kinda did.”

“Run!” the Doctor yells behind them, before barrelling off down the street in a way that suggests he’s had a lot of practise at fleeing.

Dean distinctly remembers being in the middle of the street but after one step he thumps into a brick wall that definitely wasn’t there a moment ago.

“What the hell?” he yelps and turns to find Castiel. “What happened?”

“I moved us?” Castiel explains.

“Moved us where?”

“A block over. The threat has passed.”

“Where’s everyone else?” he asks, rubbing the shoulder that hit the wall.

“Across the street,” Castiel says, stepping back so that Dean can see them running to a stop about twenty-five meters away, the Doctor trying to get a signal on his sonic screwdriver, Jack keeping an eye out for vengeful men in loin cloths - and Dean suspects Jack wouldn’t mind seeing them again - and Sam obviously looking around for Dean.

“So why did you…?”

“You were in danger. Now you’re not,” Castiel says simply, his eyelids fluttering a little as he looks away, apparently unable to hold Dean’s gaze. And Dean gives in immediately to the desire to kiss him. He grabs Castiel’s arms and pulls him into the shadow of a house. And holding the angel firm against the wall he crushes their lips together.

A moment later Castiel’s hands are gripping tightly at Dean’s elbows as he presses his lips up into the kiss, a slight moan escaping them.

And suddenly it’s dark, even with his eyes closed Dean can tell, and opening them, Dean is confronted with utter and complete darkness. “What the-?!”

“What happened this time?” Dean asks, taking a shallow step backwards but still close enough that he can feel Castiel’s arm pressed against his own. “Did you move us again, somewhere inside?”

“No. I believe it’s night,” Castiel says his voice distinct enough that Dean would recognise it anywhere and even now it gives Dean shivers to hear it.

“Night? Seriously?” Dean frowns at the dark shadow Castiel’s voice emanated from. “What the hell happened to the day? It was what, midday?”

“Well now it’s not,” Castiel says, and Dean shakes his head; sometimes Castiel is just a little too obvious and unhelpful.

A light overhead flickers once before blinking into life and Dean nearly jumps out of his skin when he sees Sam stood no more than six feet away.

“Holy crap Sam! When did you get there?” Dean snaps, catching his breath.

“I thought I heard your voice. I was right,” Sam says before giving Dean an odd look. “Why are you over here any way?” He looks at Castiel and then back at Dean. And Dean’s only though is, ‘Crap, does he know?!’

“Avoiding angry cavemen, is what I’m doing here,” Dean tells him; hopefully before his little brother can put two and two together.

“They headed down another road, so you can stop hiding,” Sam says, a barely concealed laugh in his voice.

“Funny,” Dean remarks. “So, any idea why it’s night all of a sudden?” he asks.

“I’m guessing it has something to do with the rift manipulator,” Jack says, walking over to them.

“It can do that?” Sam asks, his voice edged with awe.

“Apparently. And this is just the beginning, unless we can turn this thing off, it’s going to get a hell of a lot worse,” Jack says.

“But on the up side, the day turning into night has helped to narrow down the search area,” the Doctor says, looking up from his screwdriver. “It took a lot of energy to move the earth forward in time by seven hours, a lot of energy that I was able to pick up very easily. We’re close.”

“Seven hours?” Sam says, his eyes wide. “Wow. Could it do it again?”

The Doctor nods. “The strength of the signal, the energy it’s emitting is only growing now, soon it will be able to do more that just seven hours.”

“We talking days, weeks?” Dean asks, though he can see the forbidding look in the Doctor’s eyes.

The Doctor shakes his head and sighs. “More like months, years, and not just forward in time,” he says and Dean takes a breath.

“Then lets go,” he says, straitening up and without any more conversation, the Doctor leads the way, following the buzz of his screwdriver like it’s a forked stick and he’s after water, Dean only hopes it’s a little more reliable.

“So I was wondering,” Dean starts. “If we were being moved around in time, was it happening to anyone else in the present as well?”

“I don’t think so,” the Doctor says over his shoulder. “The reason it was happening to us at all was because we were right on top of the rift, right at the centre of it all, and on top of that, also being refuelled by it.” He smiles thinly. “Bad time for a pit stop really.”

“Oh, Dean, I forgot to give you this,” Sam says, pulling what looks like a gun from the back of his pants. “It’s a stun gun Jack gave me. They use them in Torchwood,” he says, handing it to Dean, and he examines it as they walk down the street. “It has two settings, stun or kill,” Sam explains, pointing out the switch on the side.

“But I’d prefer it if you kept it set to stun only,” the Doctor says, a scolding look in his eyes as he glances at Jack.

“But if we come across any demons here, Sam…” Dean says quietly.

“I’ve got the knife,” Sam assures him, his voice low so that the Doctor won’t hear him.

The next turning they take leads to a dead-end street with a large warehouse type building at the far side, dimly light by faulty, blinking streetlamps. The Doctor pauses and holds up his sonic screwdriver and listens to its buzz.

“I think this is the place,” he says before putting his screwdriver away and getting out some old 3D glasses and putting them on. He glances around at the warehouse and surrounding buildings through the red and blue plastic lenses. “Yep, it’s definitely here,” he conforms and puts the glasses away again.

“Dude, seriously this guy gets weirder by the second,” Dean says in his brothers ear and Sam nods.

“So what’s the plan?” Sam asks.

“Well first it would be nice to know exactly what it is we’re up against, and how many,” Dean says, though he’s pretty sure the only way to find that out is by going inside and looking, not great prospects on a normal hunt, but the possibilities now are basically endless.

“Well judging by the amount of rift activity I’m picking up from inside, I’d say there’s going to be quite a few,” the Doctor says, grimly.

“I second that,” Jack adds, looking at the screen on his wrist strap.

“Great,” Dean groans, rolling his shoulders back. “I guess we go say hi then,” he says, and flicking off the safety on the stun gun, he leads the way inside.

It’s dark, and when flicking the light switch fails to illuminate the room, the Doctor fishes around inside his coat pockets and remarkably produces two average sized flashlights.

“Deep pockets,” is all he offers in response to the quizzical look he gets from Dean when he shines the flashlight on his face.

Dean switches on the other flashlight the Doctor hands to him, and has a quick sweep of the room they had entered into. Shelves and boxes litter the room with a hefty coating of dust, but nothing worth investigating so they move on, Dean still in front.

The corridor is long and fairly dark with very few windows along one side that let in only minimal light owing to their hefty coating of dust, and with another corridor joined to it about half way along.

Castiel suddenly grabs Dean’s arm stopping him and everyone else in their tracks. Dean opens his mouth so speak but the look on the angel’s face gives him pause and he instantly covers his flashlight and flattens his back against the wall.

The Doctor copies Dean and covers his flashlight, and he, Sam and Jack huddle in against the wall behind Dean and Castiel, silence weighty in the shadow filled corridor. A moment later footsteps can be heard approaching down the joining corridor, heavy and determined.

Dean takes a breath, ready in case they’re discovered, but that breath catches in his throat when he sees the source of the sound.

Two large, heavily suited, bipedal rhinoceroses march past. Though only faintly illuminated by light through a window, it’s enough to shine off of their armour and silhouette the line of their horned inhuman heads.

Dean waits until their footsteps have faded away before he asks the inevitable, “What the hell were those?!” His flashlight aimed at the Doctor’s face.

“Judoon,” the Doctor says in an ominous voice and a serious look in his eyes.

“You could call them intergalactic law enforcement,” Jack adds, leaning past Dean to get a look down the corridor.

Not satisfied with the answer he was given, Dean asks, “And why do they look like rhinos?”

The Doctor raises his eyebrows at him. “Why not?” he asks and Sam sniggers.

“Yeah Dean, why not?”

Dean doesn’t really have much of a response to that other than, ‘why would they?’ but that would just lead to another ‘why not?’ so he’s just gonna leave it at that, and so the Doctor fills the silence with some unhelpful information.

“You know, humans could have ended up looking like that if Earths evolution had taken a different course,” he says, annoyingly cheerful.

“Thanks for that,” Dean says, trying not to imagine himself with a huge, wrinkly, horned head. “So which way?” he asks, glancing left, right and straight ahead along the corridors.

“Left,” the Doctor says and thankfully that’s the direction the Judoon, or whatever they’re called, had came from, so with any luck they won’t run into them again.

Dean has barely taken a step when there’s a loud crash and something metal and on fire comes smashing through the wall, heading straight at him. Dean doesn’t have any time to react, to even throw himself to the floor, but luckily his little guardian angel’s reaction time far surpasses that of a mere human’s.

Time slows. And the next thing Dean knows Castiel is clutching onto him, moving him a second before whatever it is collides with the other wall and carries on through it, debris flying everywhere. Castiel wraps his arms around Dean, shielding him as they huddle down against the wall that’s shaking violently, and for the second time Dean sees his wings.

Huge dark shadows spread from the angel’s back running up the walls and envelope them in almost complete darkness, and for a moment all Dean can see is the bright blue of Castiel’s eyes.

Dean steals a kiss.

If some huge lump of flaming metal is going to end him here and now, he’s going to go out with some angel mouth to mouth, not the best way to get himself into Heaven but he’s pretty sure he won’t be going there any way, so who cares.

Dean clasps his hands to Castiel’s face and pulls him closer, the angel’s knees rubbing along the outside of Dean’s thighs, and he braces himself against the wall either side of Dean’s head.

When the sound of cracking, crumbling masonry dies out to only the odd clunk and tink of falling rubble, Castiel leans back and just looks at Dean, studying him.

Dean smiles a thank you for once again saving his life, and also for giving him the best possible-goodbye-kiss ever!

Dean can’t resist touching those slightly parted lips with his fingertip and Castiel smiles so warmly Dean’s heart misses a beat, and that’s way to chick-flicky for Dean’s liking, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

As they stand again and Castiel takes a step back, the shadow of his wings evaporates and the corridor comes back into view.

The next thing Dean notices is dust, enough dust to make him cough when he realises he’s breathing it in and he covers his nose and mouth with the crook of his arm.

He notices then that everyone is staring at them, having been far enough away to dive out of the way, and by the looks of it without any injuries and just a fine coating of dust on their cloths and hair.

Jack looks the most surprised, his forehead creased, his lips parted, and it’s Castiel he’s staring at, not Dean or the thing that nearly turned him into paste. And then Dean realises why that is, and can almost see the questions building in the Captain’s expression.

And honestly Dean can’t think of a reasonable lie. He’s not even entirely sure why he thinks he needs to lie. But then Castiel must have had a reason why he didn’t want to tell Jack what he is, and Dean suspects that has something to do with the first thing the angel had said to the time agent; “The man who never dies.” Remembering it now gives Dean chills, and he’s curious despite wanting to avoid anymore alien-craziness.

There is no reasonable lie, nothing Jack would believe anyway, so Dean just says, “He’s an angel.”

Castiel looks at him, but he doesn’t seem surprised or annoyed, and then his eyes just drift to the floor.

Jack is looking at Castiel now like he’s just grown another head. His lips are moving but no words are coming out, he’s speechless, now that’s a surprise!

After a moment though it looks like the usual Captain fights his way to the surface and he grins cockily, “Angels are new,” he says.

“Jack!” the Doctor scolds, slapping him on the back, “You have no boundaries do you.”

Jack looks at him slyly. “Well you’re a hard nut to crack, Doctor,” he says and the Doctor rolls his eyes and walks past him to examine the smouldering, metallic Dean-seeking projectile. “Doesn’t mean I won’t try though,” he adds.

Jack has still got that goofy grin on his lips, but his eyes are telling a different story. It’s clear to Dean that at some point he’ll want to talk with Castiel about whatever it is that’s troubling him, about angel’s or about Heaven.

But Dean’s also a little worried about Jack being alone with his angel…

“Oh no!” the Doctor shouts. “No no no!”

“What?” Jack says moving quickly to his side. “Oh this is bad,” he says after a moment.

“What’s bad?” Sam asks and the Doctor turns around, his expression grim.

“This is a ship fragment,” he tells them, his eyes tight. And Dean’s thinking ‘a pretty big fragment!’ It’s completely blocking their path.

“Uh… space ship?” Sam asks and the Doctor nods. He looks seriously worried as he rubs his temple and sighs.

“From a Dalek mothership!”

Part 8

character: dean winchester, fanfiction, character: tenth doctor, character: captain jack harkness, character: sam winchester, fic: torchwood, crossover, slash, dean/castiel, fic: spn, fic: doctor who, character: castiel

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