Yeah, Mike and I (Jean) went to his 50th reunion, and they had a Among the Fallen type board of those who had died. There were a couple of people he really wanted to see again, and he saw all but one of them. (He and two other MIkes were Mike Mike & Mike Incorporated, and for their demo for their project about the Civil War in history class, provided a four feet high pillar of flame. Hint to self: be careful how much smokeless gunpowder you put in with the regular stuff). But there was someone he had a social studies class right after lunch with, and they kept themselves awake by arguing with each other, and she wasn't around where we could find her).
Well, at every one of these, the ranks grow thinner. Kind of like how the GAR more or less decided, after the 1938 Gettysburg Reunion (held jointly with the UCV) that there was no point in doing it again; they were all getting too old to travel much.
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