Comment meme! Bring on the crack!

Jul 22, 2010 08:51

So I was talking with pkwench yesterday, and instead of working on my castielfest fic, I allowed her to talk me into a crack!fic comment meme.

So that's what I'm doing.

Everyone, we're WRITING CRACK! Because Show is coming back on in two months, and you KNOW they're going to rip our hearts out of our ribcages and stomp on them. So let's have some fun first, before the angst starts!

Also, forgive my CRAPPY skills and even crappier image editing software. If anyone feels they can do better, please please PLEASE feel free to do so. :P

So light up your crack pipes, and join the fun! Tell your friends using this handy code:">">

You know the drill, right?

One prompt per comment. Only one, because otherwise we get confused.

Multiple fills per prompt awesome and encouraged! Fills can be in any format ever: fic, art, filk, descriptions of fic, chatfic, haiku, sonnet, CAPSLOCK (which is practically required for crack), performance art (though we demand video!). Etc. You come up with it, you post it. Simple as that.

This is SPN, but it's crack. Feel free to include RPS, crossovers, whatever the hell you'd like.

When filling, it'd be super helpful if you did this in the subject line: FILLED: title, characters, rating

The meme will stay open indefinitely, and I'll keep the Master List updated as best I can.

Master List

chickenperson52: Sam's puppy-dog eyes turn out to be his next power.

pinkphoenix1986: Wee!chester: Sam always feels like a baby because Dean is all 'grown up' and gets to do whatever he likes. So one day, Sam wishes that he can just grow up already...

mesmorizee: Gabriel, with help either from his pagan friends or from God himself, traps Sam, Dean, Michael, and Lucifer in an alternate where the archangels are actually taking Sam and Dean to prom.

krystalicekitsu: Misha is suddenly imbued with the powers of his character. What's a poor overlord to do when given ultimate cosmic powers? and a sequel.

krystalicekitsu: Gabriel is a BNF of the Supernatural books fandom, and he's the reason for the first kinkmeme of said fandom. Sam, ah, runs into this kinkmeme at one point.

lies_unfurl: So Dean's trying to live the normal life with the Braedens. It doesn't help when crazy Uncle Cas comes to visit.

njoyingnsanity: Loki!Gabriel crack. Like, what's this about having bore the world serpent Jörmungandr? Or that funny horse? Or that one wolf. or...

mithrel: Nick!Lucifer, Jimmy!Cas and Gabriel have their vessels de-aged and they can't immediately fix it or leave the vessels. Dean and Sam look after all three of them.

morganoconner: Castiel gets turned into a puppy with wings. Guess who has to take care of him?

mesmorizee: Gabriel opens up a therapy/counseling business. Unfortunately for Sam, Dean, Cas and whoever else you wanna throw in, attendance is mandatory.

daymarket: Sam comes back to life as a bona fide ANGEL with visible wings and a halo. Dean can't stop laughing at the sight of Sam having wings and Castiel is no help at all.

lieseldante: Dean shows up at Stanford to drag Sam back to the secret family business: competitive ballroom dancing.

bladeachilles: Lucifer is the one who started Sam/Lucifer. Sam finds out.

madwriter223: Crowley's hellhound has puppies. He gives one to the Winchesters and/or Castiel.

madwriter223: Sam/Gabriel - Gabriel worked some complicated mojo to trap his essence in Casa Erotica so he could have Sam and Dean get him out later. It backfires rather spectacularly when instead, Sam gets trapped in the video with him...

mesmorizee: Someone, I don't care how you do it, whether it's them crashlanding on Isla Nublar via Castiel making a wrong turn or something or time travel, or what, just somebody PLEASE write some damn dinosaurs. I will love you forever.

peppervl: Jensen and Jared wake up one morning as platypuses. Platypii? Platypods? Whatever. Then they have to save the world.

damn you fandom i used to be normal, crack!fic comment meme, crack!fic, challenge

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