Sometimes, All I Need

Nov 17, 2012 01:35

Title: Sometimes, All I Need
Summary: Fusion 'verse. After wandering out into the cold during Dean's office Christmas party, Sam gets sick.
Characters: Castiel, Sam, Dean
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 4,349
Warnings: Swearing, the usual
Disclaimer: Do I still need one of these? I think by now we all know I own diddly squat.
Neurotic Author's Note #1: A ( Read more... )

fanfic, fusion, castiel totally deserves his own tag, sometimes all i need, dean-o, sammy

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Comments 77

callistosh65 November 17 2012, 07:56:08 UTC
Aw, man, that was like getting my favourite warm blanket out and wrapping myself up in it.. just love this verse to pieces.


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:10:31 UTC

I'm so pleased you enjoyed it!


asilia November 17 2012, 09:11:30 UTC
I got ridiculously excited when I saw this :D

Loved it, made me feel all happy and warm inside ♥


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:10:44 UTC
Hee! I'm so pleased you liked it!


aerynsun5 November 17 2012, 09:28:09 UTC
This is one of my favorite 'verses ever. I'm so pleased that you posted again, but sorry that you feel you're having problems. I'll think happy thoughts for your muse.

I just want to squeeze them all.


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:11:03 UTC
Aw, thank you! I kind of want to cuddle them all myself. Poor boys. :)


jackien1968 November 17 2012, 10:02:59 UTC
I love what absolute sweetie-pies all 3 of our Boys are in this 'verse, while being completely in character w/ the Boys we know.

In what 'verse is Cas as tall as Dean?? :P



ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:11:43 UTC
Thank you very much!

And Cas is about an inch or so shorter than Dean. Certainly close enough that if they didn't have completely different builds, they might consider sharing clothes.


jackien1968 November 18 2012, 05:32:03 UTC
I hadn't realized that Misha is only 2 inches shorter than Jensen.

To a guy the size of the Chrysler building, crammed into an itty bitty human, that's barely a smidge.



yasminke November 17 2012, 12:06:53 UTC
Mush. Cute mush, but mush nonetheless.

(Ps - This typo puts a hilarious picture in my brain: " he has the bot simmering". Some poor spam bot is being stewed...)

Also, MORE!


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:12:29 UTC


Uh, I fixed the typo. Thanks for pointing it out! And I'm glad you liked it. Now to write that story we discussed yesterday. :)


yasminke November 17 2012, 23:10:24 UTC
Excellent! ::rub hands together::

If you need any help...hint.


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