Sometimes, All I Need

Nov 17, 2012 01:35

Title: Sometimes, All I Need
Summary: Fusion 'verse. After wandering out into the cold during Dean's office Christmas party, Sam gets sick.
Characters: Castiel, Sam, Dean
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 4,349
Warnings: Swearing, the usual
Disclaimer: Do I still need one of these? I think by now we all know I own diddly squat.
Neurotic Author's Note #1: A ( Read more... )

fanfic, fusion, castiel totally deserves his own tag, sometimes all i need, dean-o, sammy

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Comments 77

digitalwave November 17 2012, 06:59:18 UTC
Sweetie, there are few things better than coming home to this 'verse again. Thank you so much!


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:06:18 UTC
The pleasure is entirely mine, I assure you. This 'verse is my favourite place to come back to. Glad you liked it!


digitalwave November 17 2012, 14:28:16 UTC
I loved it! As always. :)


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:41:00 UTC


ayane42 November 17 2012, 07:02:59 UTC
so wonderful!! i love this universe that you've created!! so wonderful!!


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:06:29 UTC
Thank you very much!


hells_half_acre November 17 2012, 07:16:29 UTC
Yay! I loved this little installment. You know me, I'm a sucker for things ending in cuddles. ;)

I've also felt like my writing brain has shriveled up and died recently. Maybe it's something in the air. :P


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:07:47 UTC
I'm so pleased! I'm a sucker for cuddles, too. I think about 80% of Fusion ends in cuddles, frankly, and I regret nothing!

My writing brain shriveled up in March and never really recovered. Oy.


ferrous_wheeler November 17 2012, 07:19:16 UTC
So glad to see more of this 'verse!! The interchanges between the brothers and Cas's perspective are so spot on, and I think that it flows quite well.
Love it!!!


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:09:54 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. :)


ramblin_rosie November 17 2012, 07:29:05 UTC
YAY FUSION 'VERSE! And a lovely installment, too. ♥ Poor muddled Sam and worried Dean... but yay for Cas being a good friend.


ratherastory November 17 2012, 14:10:12 UTC
Thank you! Cas is a pretty good friend, isn't he? :)


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