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Comments 27

klutzy_girl April 16 2011, 17:53:30 UTC
The Bobby/Ellen shipper in me was very happy with this episode. I loved it!

Also, Dean won Rock Paper Scissors because of the AU 'verse. I liked that subtle change!

... )


ratherastory April 16 2011, 18:02:18 UTC

I felt really bad for Bobby too, and Dean covering him up was the sweetest thing ever!


de_nugis April 16 2011, 17:54:30 UTC
I enjoyed the episode greatly.

I am thrilled at Cas doing regrettable things and then lying badly about them with his tie all askew.

Dean woke up in the Impala with Sam still asleep and whacked Sam to wake him up. This is a good thing.

I will never, never, NEVER forgive show for getting that damn song stuck in my head. Horrible earworms two eps in a row, not cool.


ratherastory April 16 2011, 18:03:32 UTC
I am thrilled at Cas doing regrettable things and then lying badly about them with his tie all askew.

Me too! \o/

Dean woke up in the Impala with Sam still asleep and whacked Sam to wake him up. This is a good thing.

A very good thing. :)

What other song did you get earwormed on? I didn't notice anything last ep...


de_nugis April 16 2011, 18:06:18 UTC
I was making a feeble joke about earworms (the Khan worms in the last ep).


ratherastory April 16 2011, 18:07:12 UTC

Sorry, I am jetlagged and sick and I didn't get it. *hangs head in shame*


jesseofthenorth April 16 2011, 19:13:39 UTC
The Celine Dion jokes alone made this ep my new favorite.
I like ambiguous Cas a lot better than I like santimonious Cas.
All in all there was a lot to love in this ep so I'm taking the win!
Loved your review as usual. :D


onechairleft April 16 2011, 20:38:35 UTC
There was Ellen... and then, there was no Ellen and somewhere in between those two, my heart got sad.

That aside, this episode was *awesome*. I loved all the little things that they worked in that had changed- the Impala; the rock/paper/scissors; the Cuba thing. But then I remember Ellen-that-wasn't... Dean was acknowledging *feelings*! :(


katsheswims April 16 2011, 22:07:11 UTC
Woah, I just realized that the rock-paper-scissors was the first sign that something was wrong. Dean always throws rock...I thought the car was the first sign, but in hindsight I see the game in a new light.


ratherastory April 16 2011, 23:24:31 UTC
Oh no, Dean always throws scissors. Remember? "Dean, always with the scissors." It was the fact that Sam *forgot* and threw paper that was the sign...


onechairleft April 16 2011, 23:39:26 UTC
It was an odd little piece, really, but it was the first sign that something was messed up.

Though, the other explanation is that Sam thought that something like having to be the one to address Bobby's over-drinking would be the *one* time Dean would throw rock and not scissors, just to avoid having to be the one to talk to him. I kinda like that idea, myself. ;)


katsheswims April 16 2011, 22:05:54 UTC
What! Impalas never existed at all?! I thought for some reason they just bought a different car in the past! (Though I hated the stripes, and thought it made the car even more inconspicuous...But Sam and Dean can get away in any car I guess).

"The whole never-being-born being different from getting killed comes back a lot in this world..." Hmmm, I'm wondering if this will come back later, or if it was just reinforced so much for this one episode....


ratherastory April 16 2011, 23:27:00 UTC
No, Balthazar states very clearly that there's no such thing as Impalas in this world. So sad. :(

The never-being-born thing is mentioned a few times in the show, notably in 5.13 when Dean is trying to convince Mary to leave John and never have children.

"There's a difference between dying and never being born, and believe me, we're okay with that!"


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