Owner Info:
Name: Abbee
Age: 19
Location: Windsor, Ontario (just going to school here... originally from London, Ontario)
Pet Info:
Name: Lewis (originally his name was Nike, after a little Pug I used to walk when I was a kid, but then everyone started calling him Lewis because it suited him much better)
Gender: Male
Age: 9
Breed: American Cocker Spaniel
Favorite Pastime: giving people "you're so stupid" looks, chasing tennis balls, stealing food
Favorite Toy: tennis balls and those annoying squeaky balls, which he would chew just to see how much noise he could make
Quirks/Tricks: dancing in circles like a crazy circus dog, playing dead (though his little spaniel tail just wouldn't stop wagging so it wasn't very convincing)
Any disabilities (this will not affect voting in any way)?: he had a genetic Cocker problem that caused him to get sick occasionally. He also had hemophilia but it was only ever a problem once, when he cut his mouth chewing on a stick.
Arrival Story (optional): I got Lew for my tenth birthday because I'd been asking for a dog since I was tiny. We went to see his mother's owner and looked at all the puppies... Lew was the fattest of all of them but he was the only one who could go up and down the little stairs to the porch, so we decided on him. :)
Departure Story (optional): Unfortunately I had to put Lewis down a little over a year ago due to liver failure (I think that's what it was... no one was positive). My parents had just left to go on a trip to San Diego and I noticed that Lew had stopped drinking and eating. We leave his food out because he only eats when he wants to, so I didn't really notice that it was a problem until a day had passed and he still hadn't eaten. He started getting really weak and didn't want to go outside or anything. I carried him outside to pee and spoon-fed him water and mashed up wet food until I could get a ride to the vet, who basically just told me that he had no clue what was wrong...
I still had school that week, but I came home every lunch hour and ran home quickly after school -- Lewis was in his little bed box all day and barely moved. Then one day after school, he started having seizures... It was so scary and my brother and I were screaming at each other because we had no idea what to do. We took him to the vet again and he said the best thing was for us to just put him down, since he was clearly in pain and there wasn't really any surgury or anything we could do... In the emergency room, I held Lewis and dried my tears with his lovely ears. He just looked at me with such love like he was so thankful I was helping him let go of the pain... I'll never forget it. It was the hardest decision I've ever made in my life... Lew was/is my best friend and I miss him so much...
Pictures (at least one clear face shot and one clear body shot):
I'm just going to find all the Lew pictures I can find, since I won't be able to get new ones.
this is from when I first got Lewis. He was so tiny and had the sweetest little smushed up puppy nose.
Lew's three-month birthday party! We're all so young-looking xD
I'm not sure if you can tell, but Lew loved shoving his nose in my elbow, so he was hidden, but his ears always hung out. :P
him being a crazy murderous freak xD (not really). Ever since I took him to get his picture taken for an art show, he's had this thing with cameras where he'll sit so still and as soon as the flash goes off he'll jump around like a madman.
another crazy camera dog
when he was a baby. :P I just love the nose
one of the last pictures I took of Lewis, I think.
he's standing up, probably for a carrot (he was obsessed with them)
well, he's not being very attractive, but that was one of the only full-body shots I could find, since he's such a psycho around cameras
blurry, but him being all possessed, and an example of him sitting perfectly still until the flash goes off :P
eating a carrot, which he was very very fond of... xD He loved all veggies, which I figured was better than feeding him fattening stuff.
puppy nose :P
I love this one because he's kicking me in the face :P
him sleeping on a little rug thing my grandma made for him. You can see his box behind him
trying to sneak up on me from under the desk while I'm on the computer :P
his little gray beard is really obvious in this one. He was all black except for his beard and a tiny little dot on his chest, which faded as he got older
in the box again
sleeping on the kitchen floor... He doesn't look like much of a spaniel does he? LoL. We always kept his hair short because we never showed him and it would have gotten so tangled :P
sitting pretty, hehe
you can't really tell, but he's shaking my hand sort of. He's got his paw on my arm.
there we go... He doesn't look quite so possessed here. :P
rolling over. The camera made his hands look a weird colour...
lol, his mouth looks weird. But you can really see his ears in this one.
I think that's all... I have more actual photos in photo albums at home, which I can scan whenever I go and visit. Maybe I can enter some of the theme weeks. :P
I hope it's okay that I posted about Lew, and that I don't have any other dogs right now (I'm in res at university). As soon as I get my own place, I'm expecting to get at least one small dog, but for now I just love this community and wanted to be a part of it.