crossover recs

Sep 28, 2007 16:15

I updated my crossover recs page.

Old Country, by Astolat. Slash, Sam/Dean. (ca. 40,600 words ( Read more... )

recs: house, recs: crossovers, recs, recs: dc, recs: xf, recs: sga, recs: spn, recs: hp, recs: hl, crossovers

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Comments 5

madripoor_rose September 28 2007, 16:40:41 UTC
That Highlander/House crossover is hilarious, thanks for the rec. I haven't really been reading in either fandom for a while.


ratcreature September 28 2007, 18:12:42 UTC
I'm always happy when I can point people to things they haven't seen yet.

I haven't really read any regular House fic (yet), since I only read in a fandom if I have watched at least some of the series, and I hadn't until recently. And I mostly know Highlander because for a while it was incredibly popular for crossovers in my main fandoms and I was passingly familiar, so I read those and then some HL fic by authors I enjoyed, but I was never really into it. Yet then last week I felt a wave of nostalgia for HL fic for some reason, and came across this xover too.


madripoor_rose September 28 2007, 18:17:05 UTC
Heh. I watched Highlander, and I remember when there were all those The Sentinel crossovers. I've never really read House fic, and I kind of drifted away from watching the show after the first season.


ratcreature September 28 2007, 18:23:48 UTC
My main problem with House is that it can't seem to decide whether it wants to be a drama or a farce and its mix of the two doesn't really work for me. Drama with some humor and snark is one thing, and I like that, but with House the whole set-up is clearly not like any kind of hospital could work, but engineered to give House funny and snarky character moments and dialog, so you can't take it seriously no matter how much you suspend disbelief. Yet it's not truly a farce-like comedy but has all this drama stuff, so to me the whole thing feels internally inconsistent and I can't really believe its universe.


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