crossover recs

Sep 28, 2007 16:15

I updated my crossover recs page.

Old Country, by Astolat. Slash, Sam/Dean. (ca. 40,600 words)
Harry Potter/Supernatural
I don't read a lot of Wincest, but I think this crossover is a great read even if you prefer gen. It's a lot of fun, humor mixed into the angst and drama, and the merge of the Potterverse with SPN here works great, and I liked the take on goblins and their magic in particular.

Harvester of Eyes, by gwendolyngrace. Gen. (ca. 26,000 words)
John Winchester hunts the Corinthian, meanwhile Sam and Dean get lost in the Dreaming. This crossover is a great blend of the two sources.

New Jersey Voodoo, by Rokeon. Gen. (ca. 1,020 words)
House/Stargate: Atlantis
This is short, but really funny. John has a relapse back towards Bug!John, starting with an at first innocuous rash and progressing from there, and House tries to diagnose.

Late Nite at the Sudzy Dudz, by Sarah Ellen. Gen. (ca. 3,500 words)
Supernatural/The X-Files
I have no idea how I could have missed reading this story for so long. This crossover is a lot of fun. I guess you could sum it up as "Mulder and Scully meet the Wincesters in a laundromat and talk about cattle mutilations." but the dialog is awesome and it made me laugh a lot, while still being plausible and in character within both series.

The Curious Incident of the Doc in the Night-time ( part 2), by Taz. Gen. (ca. 2,920 words)
House meets Methos in his morgue and is understandably curious. Snark ensues.

recs: house, recs: crossovers, recs, recs: dc, recs: xf, recs: sga, recs: spn, recs: hp, recs: hl, crossovers

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