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Comments 5

yesh _inbetween_ January 24 2007, 11:58:11 UTC

... )


Re: yesh ratcreature January 24 2007, 12:54:25 UTC
Yeah, their team love is adorable.


cathexys January 24 2007, 12:54:41 UTC
Lorne and Cam...I came for McKay (who was as adorable as I'd hoped) but now I really wanna know what their lives are like!!!

As for Rodney. I mean, he was annoyed, but either that McKay had lost all his claws or he wasn't angry as much as annoyed. B/c advisor to the president is like the dot.com equivalent of the Nobel maybe? Plus knowing how he uses his brains in another universe must challenge him and getting Sam home maybe whet his appetite? I wanna think of him happy as a clam with all the new technology and nagging the heck out of the president and ignoring all the men in suits...


ratcreature January 24 2007, 14:30:08 UTC
It's not so much that I think Rodney's going to be unhappier at the SGC than with his company, but he did get pressed into service by what is currently at least a military dictatorship without having any say in it, which for me counts as having your life messed up. Especially since I got the impression that the alternate Rodney had been kind of careful to keep his head down and not to upset those in power.


cathexys January 24 2007, 14:39:10 UTC
Oh yes, I wasn't belittling the forced into military service aspect. I just was trying to imagine for Rodney a more pleasant life :D [like, where they finally go looking for Atlantis and Sheppard's taken on board and somehow we need to get Cam out of that damn wheelchair!!! *g*]


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